Hey Old Friend

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Chaeyoung POV

My eyes opened up already adjusted to the darkness of the room, the lighted candle is barely hanging on, most of it was melted. There was only enough time before it would run out and left me with nothing but pitch black.

I don't even know how much time I've spent in this hell hole, but I know I have to stay strong if I want to escape. I turned my head when I heard the sound of keys crashing each other and the kidnapper's whistle.

He opened the door and walked towards me, I felt my back pressed against the wall, there's nowhere I can go. He crouched down in front of me, his lips formed a wicked smirk, hand coming close to brush over my cheek.

I saw the keys he used for opening my door dangling beside his waist.

If I can just reach it.

"It looks like your boyfriend isn't coming for you." 

He laughed.

"Sadly, I still need a couple more minutes before I can claim you."

His hand started to come closer to my cheek. When it touches I turned away trying to avoid him. My eyes picked up an object not far from my side, it was shaped like a screwdriver. My hand glide through the floor.

Picking up the screwdriver slowly. I dragged back when I came to hold it. Clenching the object hard as if my life depended on it, and it clearly is.

He grabbed my cheeks with force, turning me to face him. Licking his lips while I stared at the eyes of the demon with a fire inside my own.

"Why don't I taste you right now for an introduction."

As soon as he finished his sentence, I swung the screwdriver as fast as I can, stabbing him just below his hips. He lets go of me after the sudden force, falling on his side with the metal object stuck deep inside his thighs, deafening shrieks echoed.

I quickly stood up taking the keys that slide across the floor. I felt a hand grabbing onto my ankle which then I kicked back hitting something hard, letting loose of the grip.

I left the room without looking back.

I ran through the corridor, going down the stairs when I found one. Choosing the path on the right when I reached the bottom of the stairs. I saw a door at the far end of the corridor and hasten my pace.

The keys went in one by one and none was the right one. I sporadically looked back to check if he caught up as I hoped that the last key works.

The lock finally clicked, and when I opened the door I was greeted by a pistol pointed right at my head. And with the person I love, holding the trigger.


Y/n: Chaeyoung!

I lowered down my aim. Staring at her in relief, she wasn't in a good shape, lost a lot of weight, and her clothes were tattered and dirty.

She froze at her place and tears rolled down her cheeks. I took a few steps forward and embraced her in a comforting hug.

Her sobs started getting harder as time goes by. I waited until she calmed down a little before pushing her away gently to look at her closely.

I took both of her hands and examined them, there were bruises, little cuts all over her arms. I swore under my breath that whoever did this to her won't get any more time to live.

I carefully hold her cheeks, looking straight into those eyes, her gaze showed the pain she'd been through.

Y/n: Are you hurt? Anywhere?

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