Long time ago, all evil in the world was purged by one wandering warrior. No one knows his real identity, nor his whereabouts. But one thing is for sure, he solely defeated all the evil forces invading the East and West continents.
The story has bee...
I asked Ruth to tie it up on my hair. I glanced at my reflection in the mirror. Today, I am wearing a brown and white summer dress, with small red laces and ribbons on the details. Simple, yet suits my tastes.
I decided not to put on any accesories except the dainty necklace my brother gave me for my 16th birthday. It was a small heart gold necklace and it looks really elegant.
It was almost 12 noon. I am excited to have my birthday lunch with family. We were always complete during family occasions like this. This is one of the ways our parents show how much they love me and my brother despite not being home most of the time. Quality and happy moments together as a family.
I think that's the reason why me and my brother never asked for attention because we knew deep well that our parents love and care for us.
"I heard the chef has prepared your favorite roasted turkey with mashed potatoes."
That is what Ruth had told me, while she was fixing my hair. This made my mouth water but I didn't let her notice. Most of the time, I eat the balanced meals our chef prepares. But since it is my special day, I got the best dish in the house.
"Ruth, please tell my family, I will be a little late."
My personal maid just chuckled before bowing down. She knows me too well.
I left my room to fetch a few books in the library just before lunch. I plan to dedicate my time reading the whole afternoon. Since the library is on the opposite side of the mansion, from my room, I decided to get the books first and drop it off my room before going to the dining hall.
Opening the door, I looked around. Normally, Norman, our librarian would be here.
"He probably took his lunch break."
The library was bright with its big windows open. Norman likes to keep things organized and clean. The place smells amazing too. But the thing I like the most is that it's very quiet in here. Such a peaceful place to chill and read books but I still chose my room, since I like to be alone when I'm reading.
I could hear my footsteps echoing as I gently trodded towards the farthest side of the room. I turned to the last aisle where the treasures laid in waiting for me. I mumbled to myself... my treasures.
Having done all books on history, I decided to get books on myths and tales next.
I heard a faint voice at the end of the aisle.
"Norman... is that you?"
I called out as I walked nearer. Though it impossible for him to hide in there since it is a dead-end... and why would he be playing hide-and-seek? He isn't that type...
"Come here.. my child....."
My thoughts were interrupted once again with the voice. It was getting louder as I got nearer to my destination. Normally, I would have stopped on my tracks, ran outside and called for help. But my feet won't stop walking. It was like my body was moving on its own.
I felt goosebumps as I turned and faced the bookshelf at the end of the aisle.
"Come to me...."
Suddenly, the book ladder on the other side of the shelf moved towards where I was standing. I felt my heart skipping a beat seeing this. Then it stopped just infront of me. I felt my hands grabbed on to the ladder.
What am I doing?
I subconciously climbed the ladder steps to reach the highest section of the bookshelf. I was constantly in battle with myself, I was scared and yet here I am following the voice.
Suddenly... everything around me went dark.
I tightly clasped on the ladder, holding for my dear life. I can't see anything. It was pitched black. I was afraid. I was alone, no sword, worse no mana.. if anything bad happens...
"Zen.... Arzen..... "
I saw it, a light infront of me... a book.
It looks like an old book. It was shining brightly amidst the dark.
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"It's about time...."
Hearing the voice... my heart, that was beating loudly started to calm down. I gradually felt at peace.
What is happening to me?
Why does this feels so familiar?
Slowly, I took hold of the book and placed it against my chest.