Chapter 2

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After I changed clothes I slipped on a pair of boots, already ready for the crazy adventure that Jade had in store for me.

I walked outside of my room and saw Jade waiting for me.

"Well hello beautiful, you wouldn't happen to of seen a Princess, near by have you?" Jade asked with a smile.

"I think I saw her go that way." I said as I pointed away from her.

She let out a laugh and popped arms with me.

"Let's go, your royal pain." She said as she dragged me behind her.

"So where are we going?" I asked with a frown.

"Tenebrae. Your brother is going to be there for a party the night before your birthday." She explained.

"And does he know we are going?"

"Of course not. He would tel your father." She said as she led me to the car.

"How do you plan on sneaking me out?"

"Trust me, I have a fool proof plan." She said as she sent me a wink.

"For some reason I fear your fool proof plan. Just know if we get caught, I'm lying and saying I was kidnapped."

She let out a laugh and turned and sent me a smile. I met her eyes for a split second before everything went dark and I was forced to close my eyes.

"She's beautiful." Clarus said as he held a small pink bundle of joy.

"Iris... I'll... name her Iris Rogue Amicita." Jade breathed out.

"Okay we need to get an iv and stat!" The doctors exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" Clarus asked shocked.

"She's lost to much blood."

"Can I hold her?" Jade asked through tears.

Clarus was thrown out of the room before he could allow Jade a chance to hold her daughter.

"Rouge.... we will meet again my friend." Jade said before her eyes closed.

I opened my eyes and Jade's smiled disappeared.

"Hey, are you crying?" She asked softly.

"Something blew into my eyes. I'm fine." I said as I whipped my eyes.

I sent her a reassuring smile and plopped down beside her in the car.

"Well if you say so, Princess." She said softly.

I knew she knew I was lying, but she wouldn't press the matter, she never did.

"Though it could be from the fear of your driving." I said changing the subject.

"My driving isn't all that bad."

"You've nearly killed me five times. Thankfully I'm not that scared seeing as I already know how I die." I said with a laugh.

She let out a laugh and I shut my car door.

"So do you think Cor will be there?" She asked with a wink.

"The same Cor who hates my guts?" I asked with a laugh.

"The Cor who you will totally end up married to."

"I'd rather die."

"And I'd rather screw Clarus." She said calmly.

"Oh trust me, you will." I thought with a laugh.

She sent me a wink and we quickly made it to the wall.

"Where pray tell are you going with the Princess?" The captain asked calmly.

"Road trip. Her father gave the all clear." Jade said happily.

"I don't believe you, but.... I'm gonna give you girls a head start and I won't say anything as long as I don't get asked." He said calmly.

"Thanks Cap." She said before she took off.

I let out a laugh and threw my hands up as I felt the wind hit my face and blow through my hair.

"Next stop! Tenebrae!" Jade exclaimed.

We soon hit a gas station and she fueled the car up.

"I'm curious... how does it not drive you crazy. You know seeing everyone you love die?" She asked softly.

"I feel like I've answered this before, but I guess I can do it again. It's simple, I don't think to much of it... most of the time I know that their death won't be for over twenty years.... though some I know are sooner than I like." I said as I leaned against the car.

"How's your father doing?" She asked softly.

I sent her a look and she nodded her head.

"You know.... I think I wouldn't be able to handle it... knowing I could save someone.... but not being able to tell them." Jade said sadly.

"It's hard, but... I know that I have to stay the Seer.... I have a job to do."

"A job that's going to take everything from you."

"Not everything." I said softly.

My head started to spin mad I looked away from her and closed my eyes.

"Do you Jade, take Clarus Amicita to be your loving husband. To have and to hold?" My father asked softly.

"I do." She said softly.

"And do you Clarus, take Jade to me your loving wife. To have and to hold?"

"Until death do we part." He said softly.

Rogue looked behind her and let out a sigh. Clarus squeezed her hand and she sent him a smile.

"Death do we part." She said softly.

I rubbed the bridge of my nose and turned back to look at Jade.

"Well guess we need to continue to the docks." She said as she shook her head.

"And then Tenebrae." I said softly.

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