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I awkwardly stood with queasy  looking first years. Some were nervously fidgeting with their robes and i could swear i saw a kid trembling as if he was in a haunted house instead of a wizardry school: a freaking awesome one while we're at it.

I mentally rolled my eyes. Definitely a no-maj, poor boy, must be like teleporting in an entirely different world.

I thought to my first day at Ilvermony

was i this nervous?


But then i thought about that again. A little black head standing with buzzing first years, instead of the usual nervous pale faces toned by her other fellas the girl's pink lips were stretched in a mischievous smirk, the corner barely upturned but it promised no good.

She had the base of her long wand firmly grasped in her right hand in a way that its body and tip were hidden in her long billowing sleeve of her robes, obscuring it from the view of others.

Not that it was necessary.

The children were either too nervous or too stupid.

The girl, more like mini me, a pretty cutie mini me- of course, was trying to remember a spell she had read from one of the course books, she read before term.

No, definitely not a nerd but being one who knew more then other or in my case to cause havoc. Tut

'What was the spell- cendo? Incendo?

Mini me rolled her eyes in frustration when suddenly her eyes lit up like a kid seeing a looming tower of his favourite candy.

Guess my fav candy is to cause mischief. Bruh.

Incendio: the charm rang in my head. The charm to set things ablaze.

Mini me looked around innocently. The doors that lead to the sorting ceremony were sealed shut. Our guiding witch, miss Botcard- weird name i know: an old creepy one with wicked dark moles on her face like the ones demonstrated in no-maj movies- a typical witch, was zoning out with an expression on her face that clearly stated that she was done with this shit.

Well, so bad i'll give her a reason to label this as worst day of her life.

Too cruel? Nah.

Sneakily mini me took out her wand and pointed it at a kid a little infront of me. Although his face was not visible but his shoulders were trembling with nervousness.

Poor boy.

In a low voice i chanted the charm- 'incendio' A tiny flame flickered to life at the foot of the boy's robes, so silently that no on even noticed.

Well i though no one did, if it was not for me locking eyes with an asian boy donning a fair complexion, narrowed dark eyes and matching dark rich hair. '

'I'm soo dead'

maybe it was the hilarious expression on my face or he was just as laid back troublemaker like your girl here that he passed me a thombs ups. A proud mama look on his face like kid-i'm- proud-i-definitely-approve.

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