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At first nothing happened. It was silent the hall, the teachers even the freaky hat before it burst to life.

Literally. Inside my head, like talk about weird.

'Hmm' the hat pondered, 'Interesting very interesting'

'What is so interesting?' I asked the old hat my eyes pointed upwards.

'Your brave like a griffindor but yet you are nothing short of a troublesome. You are cunning and won't stop till you get what you want. True traits if a Slytherin'

Slytherin. Like the snake people. My eyes cut across the hall to the students clad in green and silver robes, particularly with the one with white blonde hair.

My eyes drew back to the creaky hat, when it spoke again, 'yet you're kind and loyal like the Hufflepuffs and smart like the Ravenclaw. What house suits you the best'

The hate made a whistling sound like a kettle on the stove as if in deep deep though but i could tell that this old thing was prolly enjoying itself while i was awkwardly stuffed in this three legged stool with hundreds of students looking at me with those judgemental eyes.

Not the best feeling in the world. Like honestly.

'Put me in any house, you twat. I'm bored and hungry' my stomach lightly rumbled. I hope no one heard it.


'Hmm. Fair enough. Like father like daughter. GRIFFINDOR!'

Like father? Was father in Griffindor?

The table in red burst in clapping and cheering, Harry, Ron and Hermione the most enthusiastic among them. That made me smile rather widely as i hopped off the stool towards them.

I hope I don't look like a moron but then who cares. Me? Not at all.

Harry patted the seat next to him.

"Well i thought it was gonna take forever. I am starving." First thing Ron said to me.

"Guess what me too" i commented

'To our newcomers and miss Conner,' the white beard, wise eyed professor Dumbledore announced in a ringing voice, his arms stretched wide and a beaming smile on his lips, 'welcome! To our old hands--welcome back! There is a time for speech-making, but this is not it. Tuck in!'

Everyone laughed as if relieved to finally be eating. Understandable we all are starving.

All of a sudden the silver platters on the long table opened into variety of delicious looking food. Their mouth watering aroma wafting across the magical hall. It felt like a good fairytale.

Ron was literally shoving food in his mouth if not inhaling and Hermione looked at him with disgust.

Harry didn't touch his food as if it was not appealing at all.

Dang moron.

I felt thirsty so i had to do this.

"Harry, can you pass me a glass of wat-ah?"

"Wat-ah" Harry frowned. Not understanding at all.

"She means water, Harry" Hermione smiled as if she understood what i was doing. "You should try this pumpkin juice, Hayley"

She passed me a goblet brimming with foaming liquid which tasted heavenly as i sipped it.

I think moving to Hogwarts is the best decision ever.

Boy was i wrong.


Sorry for the late update and for the short chapter.
But honestly exams are stressing and well complicated i guess. I will try to update as soon as possible. I'm glad you,re liking The Art Of Mockery so far

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2021 ⏰

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