14 years ago

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A toddler was perched over the maroon carpet playing with the wooden blocks sprawled before her. The child lazily chucked another piece of block at the kid sitting next to her and giggled as the boy yelped and started crying.

"Hayley stop chucking blocks at your brother."The woman with bright red hair warned the little girl.

" I swear she is going to be just like her father, face and all" the woman muttered to herself rocking forth the little boy that had just stopped crying. He looked at her with innocent green eyes, the exact copy of hers.

It was another normal day for the potters, as they lived happily unaware of the danger lurking behind the closed doors.

The children, twins to be more precise looked exactly like their father, James Potter. With ink black hair but inherited their mother's bright green eyes. However, both were exact opposite of eachother. Harry was a silent kid not causing any trouble, however, on the other hand Hayley was a loud kid and bright kid, always causing mischiefs.

"I'm home, Lily darling" the man announced, clicking the door shut. He took off his coat and threw it towards the sofa missing it by a few inches. The coat ended up on the floor with a thud. The man looked at it for a moment and pursued his lips but then his lips twisted into a cheerful smile the moment he caught his wife glaring at him.

"James, behave. The kids are watching. " Lily chided as she knelt to lift Harry and placed him besides a very unhappy Hayley. She went over to hug the man she was so in love with.

"How was your day, Honey" Lily pulled back to look into his hazel eyes. James simply smiled, flashing his teeth.

"Nothing new. " he answered kissing her cheek.


"Not now, Lily" James sighed deeply. Her lips thinned but she remained silent as she watched him heading towards the children who were busy babbling nonsense at eachother.

Hayley happily struck her arms as soon as she saw her dad coming towards them.

"Hi baby" James laughed lifting her. His lips twitched into a smile when he saw his daughter giggle loudly. Harry screeched unhappily.

Lily rolled her eyes and picked up Harry who was now glaring at his sister with angry tears pooling in his eyes.

"So... how is my daughter" James asked the toddler in his arms. Hayley giggled again and buried her face in his chest making James chuckle.

"How have you been, Harry?" James scooped a teary Harry in his other arm.

Hayley immediately grabbed a fistful of his hair. Harry gave out a loud cry flailing his arms around.

Lily rolled her eyes again, taking a very unhappy Harry back. She rocked him back and forth to shush his sobs.

"Your kids are going to be the end of me."

James chuckled ruffling his daughter's hair. Hayley giggled in glee as she grabbed his glasses and chucked it to the floor.

"How was the meeting then?" Lily picked the glasses up.

James shrugged, "Sirius said he'll be a bit late for the dinner."

She hummed in response flattening Harry's hair but it ended up messier than before.

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