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I traced the rain droplets that were dripping on the glass window I was sitting beside

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I traced the rain droplets that were dripping on the glass window I was sitting beside. I was alone in my room and it has been days since the funeral was over.

After we've granted my mother a proper goodbye and buried her body, I was left alone with my thoughts. The people condoling the death of my mother have long left not before throwing pity glances, muttering a handful of sorry and wiping a few tears.

It was over now, the funeral, my old life. Now I have to let go of my old life and start a new one.

I heard the locks on the main door click open and someone entered. I hastily scrambled to my feet and went to see the person who have interrupted my thoughts.

The person even with his broad back to me, tensed shoulders and stiff posture, I could tell it was dad finally back from the chaotic atmosphere.

"Hayley" he said not bothering to look at me. It startled me a little to hear him say my full name, he usually would have called me those pet names or Hales like my mother.

"Yes" I muttered approaching him until I was standing directly behind him.

"Pack your things we're leaving" with that he left without sparing me a single glance.

Excuse me? Did I hear correct? We're leaving. My feet were frozen on the ground and breath hitched.

About time dad went crazy' my conscience cooed. A smacked my fisted in my head and hissed as it hit me with a great force.

"What do you mean we're leaving" I asked uncertaincy lacing my voice.

Dad paused over the last flight and sighed."Leaving for England"

I nearly threw up, "England, as in overseas"

"Yes" his reply was curt short.

"We live in America, dad" I reasoned

"We are leaving and that's final" he hissed leaving me alone.

My whole life was up here my school, my friends, my life. "What about my school, dad" I asked going after him.

"You're being transferred to Hogwarts" he answered lifting a heavy suitcase and placed it over the bed stuffing clothes roughly into it.

I furrowed my brows, "what's a Hogwash?" I asked confused

My dad furiously muttered something under his breath and for a moment I thought he said something like, 'bloody Americans'

As a record I knew that dad never swore not even when he accidentally smacked his feet with the wall instead of my little white cat ebony when it stole his Favourite scarf. But he did end up doing this weird and hilarious dance with one feet clutched tightly to his chest.

"It's Hog-warts, H-O-G-W-A-R-T-S, school of wizardry and witchcraft" he explained throwing last of his garments in the poorly organised suitcase.

"Argh okay, so we just leave?" I asked totally confused.

"So we leave" he agreed with my worse nightmare.


"Oh just now" he announced trying to zip up his bag, with parts of garments and clothes sticking out in all the direction.

"But mom-"

"Don't ask questions, go we don't have time"

Without uttering a single word I left dad alone with his suitcase. How can I leave the house I've spent my entire life in, the house clad in both good and bad memories. The shadow of my mother still lingered somewhere within the house and her memory hung from every ceiling. I swear sometimes i could still hear her laughter.

"Bloody dad" I muttered correcting his statement from earlier. With great effort I crammed everything that was scattered in my room in a huge pile that towered over my bed into a suitcase.

Well I was not one of the neatest and organised person instead I was one of those people who couldn't tidy their room for the sake of their life so me being the lazy person I was simply stuffed my clothes, shoes, books in one big suitcase.

Very mature I know, but some habits die hard. I pulled over the zip with all my might but it didn't even bulge thanks to the things sticking out.

To be honest I was even messier than my father. I roughly stuffed the sticking clothes in the case and propped myself over the suitcase sandwiching it between myself and my bed and watched it sink a bit than zipped it.

I heaved a sigh and with a satisfied grin tried to lift the case. The grin instantly fall when the heavy luggage fall over my feet, squashing my toes within its flight.

I yelped shifting over my feet before I tripped over my own feet and hit the ground face first.

I groaned loudly holding out my nose that was hurting as if someone was constantly stomping over it.

My dad abruptly entered my room with a alarmed look over his face but realised it was just my goofy self he instantly relaxed.

Waving his wand in the air my lugged lifted it self in the air and followed him downstairs.

I love magic.

"How are we getting there?" I asked standing beside my dad who was over looking bright green flames,

"Floo powder" he replied grasping some powder on his fist.

"Floo- what? Is it a British way of travel-" I asked incredulously.

"Hmm" he replied passing me some powder.

"How does it work." I asked curiously.

"Throw the powder in the flames and say loud and clearly Uncle Freddy'shome"

I complied as he said and watched myself being sucked in green flames and into the channels of chimneys until I finally was spit out of one of the fireplace.

"Bloody chimney" I muttered getting up and dusting the soot from my clothes.

Suddenly I was once again thrown down as dad landed directly over me. I swore loudly .

"Language young lady" dad warned getting off me and helping me to my feet.

"Language lady" I mimicked but my dad either didn't hear me or ignored me instead going over to greet a man that I haven't noticed was there

"How are you Karen, pal?" The mysterious man greeted giving my dad a hug.

"Better, Freddy", the man was bald with a long face stretched like a rubber. His nose was smaller in contrast of his face and his robes were old and crinkled as if he haven't changed in days, which he provably hadn't.

I wrinkled my nose, "and this young lady must be Hayley" he said shaking hands with me

I plastered a sweet smile on my face to not look rude.
But i was certain it looked more like a grimace.

"Hayley go to your room your stuff would be there along with the Hogwarts stuff you'll be needing"

"When is Hogwarts beginning"

"The day after tomorrow, dear" he announced exiting the room with Uncle Freddy in tow.

And things couldn't get any worse.

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