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I nervously walked down the train seeing that almost all the compartments were already filled with chatting students. Friends were greeting each other, hugging and all making me pursue my lips.

I honestly had never felt so out of place like i did today. As i had always studied in Ilvermony, the magic school in America, i was familiar with almost everyone at my school.

My rebellious and goofy personality, with those great pranks i pulled along with my partners in crime, Sirina and Daniel, i was able to befriend almost all others in my years with some from the other years and houses too.

Ah, those good old days.

However, right now all i wanted to do was leave everything here and to flee back to America. What i'll give to do that.

Finally i reached upon a compartment in which two boys and a girl was sitting. They were all busy in a deep conversation. The boy in the glasses was frantically waving his hands around as if trying to convince the girl with brown bushy hair , but she was not having it at all.

'Here goes nothing.'  I thought.

Pushing my luck i knoched at the door but it went in vain seeing how engrossed they were in the conversation. However, what seemed like after 5 minutes the red headed boy noticed me.

For a moment his eyes scanned my from up till down as if I was the most confusing riddle he was trying to solve.

I internally huffed.

The bushy haired girl noticed that the boy wasn't paying attention followed his gaze and locked with my green eyes.

I cleared my thought taking it the cue to state the reason behind my unannounced entrance.

"Can i sit here" i asked, "all other compartments are full"

They all stared at me before the girl with bushy hair smiled warmly at me and motioned for me to come in, patting the empty space beside her.

" sure", she exclaimed enthusiastically.

Nodding in gratitude i gladly plopped beside her.

" i'm Hermione Granger", she said pointing towards herself, " the red head is Ron Weasley"

Ron nervously waved at me his cheeks flaming a deep red.

"And he is Harry Potter" the mentioned boy like Ron waved at me not knowing what else to do.

"You must me new" Harmione stated the obvious.

I internally rolled my eyes.

"Hi. Im er- Hayley- Hayley Conner" i stammered. If my friends at Ilvermony saw me at this moment they woould have been doubling over with laughter.

It wasn't everyday you'd see one of the greatest prankster of Ilvermorny stuttering.

"Oh you're an American" Hermione cried excitedly, "love your accent"

"Argh thanks" i scratched my head nervously not knowing what else to do.

It took me sometime but after some weird glances, nervous stuttering and an overly excited hermione fussing over the fact that she was finally meeting an America. We all warmed around eachother.

I told them all about my pranks back in ilvermorny. I even told the, the incident where i well accidentally set my potion master's dark robes on fire cuz he was being such a pain in the ass.

However, in teturn he generously rewarded me with a month load of detention.

Ron laughed so hard at that saying how he wished it was Snape, their potion master, and the stories they've told about him, how he'd purposely pick on Harry or deduct marks from their house, i could easily  say he is nothing less than a git.

Harry told me how he was the boy who lived, who apparently defeathed who know who.

Even though he was a Brit, i still read all about him back in America, however seeing up close i could tell there was nothing that special. He was good looking and all but he seemed like a normal like me save for the lightning bolt scar on his forehead.

"So Hayley why did you decide to come here- ouch" Ron rubbed the side where Harry elbowed him.

Oh, the question i'd been dreading' he placed a tamper at my mood.

"My mother died, so dad decided its better to come here in England. You know for a new start." I shrugged plastering a sad smile on my face.

"Oh i'm so sorry!" Hermione side hugged me.

"Its fine really"

But they weren't having it. In order to make it up to me and raise my spirits they treated me to magical chocolate frogs and and sugar quills from the trolley. It instantly worked.

'Jeez, i love chocolate' i bit into another chocolate frog. These treats were way better than that of America and those no maj chocolates i used to eat.

And sometimes later Hermione advised us all to change into our school uniform to which the boys so politely left, leaving me and Hermione to change into our robes.

I hurriedly changed, buttoning up my shirt leaving the top most undone. Even though i wanted to look presentable for my first day but the thing is i hate ties.

They make me feel as if someone is choking me. So i let it hang loosely around my neck.
To which Hermione chided me speaking of proper school uniform and stuff that went all the way over my head.

Soon enough we arrived, the students spilling out of the train.

"Are you going to join us on the carriages, or are you going with the first years on the boats" Harry asked.

I shrugged and look over where a person that was twice the size of a normal human being, with a thick bushy beard and hairs was beckoning the first years towards the boats that were perched over the lake.

I thought better of it and decided to join harry and his friends on the carriages.

The sight if Hogwarts looming up front made me gasp.

Ilvermony was good and all but it was nothing compared to Hogwarts. Hogwarts was just wow.

It was a tall castle with lights that were illuminating it appearing at stars in the sky.

'Jeez, why didn't we come here sooner.'

Upon reaching the castle my newly found friends escorted me towards a stern looking witch that had her hair pulled in a tight bun. She was lining up first years for the sorting, a ceremony where they sort a student in their house depending up on the qualities and personality traits.

"I hope you get sorted in Gryffindor" Hermione said and the boys agreed.

"I hope too" with that i walked towards the stern witch who was called McGonagoll according to Ron.

I hope for the best too.

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