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"Some of you may have known my mother some may not have

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"Some of you may have known my mother some may not have. But non of you knew her as good as I did. She was like this open book that could be so easily
read. Her stance screamed innocence, her mind was filled with a storm of endless humbleness and heart was as strong as a diamond.

People die everyday, but my mom was like an angel, sweet and all but despite the dark sins and secrets that stained her soul she didn't deserved to die the painful death she did. As a reminder to her memory I, Hayley Conner, her daughter will like to say may her soul rest in peace and may her memory dwell in our heart, thank you"

I wiped the tears from cheek that had escaped my eyes.

'I have to stay strong' I thought. My heart was shattered into a million little pieces with my mind strayed to the events of her death. My mood wasn't the best at the moment either. People dressed in black robes and dresses were settled down while my father went on the stage to give his speech.

People were crying, some throwing pity looks over me, some muttering a single sorry as if it was their fault and the others just sitting around saying and doing nothing.

My father being one of them. He was as if a dementer had kissed him. An empty void shell. He didn't cry when they told him the news of his wife dying, when they put her into a coffin not even now when he so bravely was giving a speech in front of people at his wife's funeral.

But I knew deep down he was broken just like me but he was better at hiding his emotions than I was. Whereas his face was void of all the emotions I was a crying wreck despite the promise I kept repeating to myself.

Mom was the root of the family that bound us into a strong rock. Her roots were so strong and deep that it kept everything so regulated and perfect that thinking of her leaving was so astonishing that I for a moment didn't believe her.

She and I, we were best friend. Always hanging around, gossiping, spilling secrets, having mom daughter day that she could have easily passed for my sister.

She was my dad's world, his love, his wife. They both were a package deal, always working hard enough to give me a decent life. She was my father's morning charm, the apple of his eye and his night star. She was happiness, she was so much

But now she was gone.Unknowingly she took everything along with her. Me and my dad's world.

I still could remember every single story she used to read to me back then when I was little; fairytales to be more precise. She and dad making my every birthday speacial. She couldn't have been more thrilled when my ilvermorny letter arrived, when we went to purchase my first wand, the first time I attended school. In fact she couldn't get her hands over enough magic.

Being a no-maj she was always fascinated by the way magic worked, the adventurous stories I told her about the magical school I attended, my friends and of course the silly pranks I pulled off on the school staff and students alike. She always scolded me but at the end we both ended up laughing.

But then just yesterday it happened.

Mom and I were walking down the streets with me casually strolling down my phone and licking down the vanilla cone I was holding in my other hand.

"Hale, eat up first, dear" mom scolded me. I lazily nodded not really comprehending what she was saying, I was only engrossed in my phone, a no-maj gadget that my mom got me addicted to.

"Hayley!" Mom yelled snatching the phone from my hands.

"Mom!" I whined but realised her face was dead serious and her arm was poised out pointing at something behind me.

I hesitated but nonetheless followed her arm that was pointed towards a cluster of people dressed in wizard robes their face concealed by a mask and wands were drawn towards us. Their aura all screamed danger.

I gulped turning towards my mother, "they're bad news" I nonchalantly told my mother trying to keep my cool. But when i saw them advancing towards us their wands outstretched well I sucked in a breath before screaming, "run"

I grabbed mom's hand and we dashed towards an alley ducking just in time to notice spells and jinxes flying overhead.

"Mom we need to hide some where" I said drawing my wand, my sweet ice cream was smeared somewhere across the street long forgotten. It was delicious, though.

I mentally chided myself, "mom we hold no chance, you need to hide somewhere" I told my mother

She stopped making me collide with her as she was now practically dragging me. She turned to me with a sad smile over her face, cupping my face she kissed my forehead, "dear you run I'll distract them.."

"What but-"

"No buts-go honey" she ordered wiping the single tears that had escaped my eye.

"You're a no-maj mum, they're-they're after me" a strangled sob escaped my lips

"I know dear"

"You know so-" she interrupted, "as a mother it's my duty to protect you."

"But mom-" the sound of footsteps echoed through the deserted alley, their muffled yelling was heard over the silence.

"Go dear, tell your dad- I love him" she quickly said kissing my forehead and then without a warning she turned the corner.

I helplessly slid down the filth ridden wall at the darkest corner, the murky smell of leaking water hit my nostrils.

For a moment it was dead silent the din of echoing footsteps were stopped. I thought maybe they didn't see her, mom was a smart woman she would have easily dodged the clad of dark wizards.

She was just a no-maj, even the slyness and the smart brains that dwells within couldn't be enough to defeat death.

For death was a twisted and humourless law of nature. In contrast to the heart blossoming beauty within the nature that was the heartbreaking end was death. A dark reality we all have to bow before. For immortality comes with a price so does life. Death and life coexist hand to hand, but one day the death becomes dominant and wipe the traces of life, sucking away the person's soul.

"Avada kedavra" a voice yelled, a green light illuminated the dark alley following by the sound of a body hitting the floor with a thud and retreating footsteps.

When I was little dad used to tell me the wonders of magic, the spells, the way it worked, lighting the darkness with a simple spell. The spells could be used for good deeds, but within every goodness lies a malicious darkness. Where there are good things there sure are bad ones.

Some curses were used to make a person twist on their will, some would torture the person so much that they beg for death and others were so cruel that they finished the person altogether.

Some people aren't meant to be saved, because they are too good for this world.

And mum was one of them

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