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The two days had flew by quickly. Each day passing in silence and solitude. Finally me and dad were standing in the king cross station between ward 9 and 10.

"So how do you reckon we reach the express when there is nothing as a ward 9 3/4" I haughtily asked my hands clamped over the trolley holding my luggage.

"Oh we pass through the wall" he explained. My eyes widened as I looked over my dad to see if he was kidding or had simply lost his mind but to my utter surprise he was damn serious.

"Argh-sorry?" I stammered not comprehending the meaning.

He rolled his eyes before running forward towards the barrier, the moment I thought that had gone a nutter and was gonna slam in the wall and probably break a couple of bones he passed through the wall.

I gulped and followed closing my eyes while doing so and felt a sudden rush of air. Next time when i opened my eyes I was standing in a complete different place.

This place was bussling with activity with parents aiding their kids towards the huge red train that stood in the centre.

"Like old days." Dad mutter as if in a daze.

Oh yah dad was a British but moved to America because of my mother because she was one.

A warning horn of the train rang in the air.

"Dad what 'bout my stuff" I asked motioning towarts the trolley.

"Don't worry dear it would appear in you dorm." He explained.
James' pov

Being one of the best auror alongside his wife and best mate, Sirius. Life was going far better for them.

His son, Harry was starting his fifth year at Hogwarts and he silently wished that this year would be uneventful unlike the last year when he and his wife, Lily were informed that their son was chosen a champion for a wizarding contest that could be in other words a death sentence.

Lily almost had a heart attack and he unleashed his anger on the headmaster Dumbledore trying to fit it in his head that Harry was too young to participate in the contest.

But Dumbledore insisted that rules can't be changed. It was a realief that Mad eye Moody was there to keep an eye on Harry.

He to be honest was thrilled and his heart swelled with pride when his son emerged out victorious in every single task and won the contest.

But dark times were catching up when his son returned with the news of the Dark lord's return. The same person who tried to kill his family and killed his little princess.

James always wanted a daughter even when the doctor announced they were having a son he couldn't be more happy. But silent happy tears escaped his eyes when instead of a son two beautiful twins were born.

Harry and Hayley potter.

It had been fourteen years since her death but her memory was still fresh. Lily may appear strong but James had caught her crying silently holding their daughters old clothes.

Right now he was standing by the hogwarts express with his family and of course his best friends.

"Harry try to stay clear of trouble this year" James warned with his hands clamped over his son's shoulder.

Harry shrugged,"I don't find trouble, trouble finds me" he nonchalantly explained causing a grin to appear over Sirius face.

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