Chapter One

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Tyler POV

I entwined my fingers with Troye's slender ones as we walked along the Brighton Pier with Alfie and Zoe. The sun was starting to set, the sky a pinky colour. The pier looked beautiful, the only downside being the strong breeze. I let out a small sigh and ran my other hand through my blonde quiff, this wind wouldn't do any good to my hair. Troye glanced over at me, noticing my discomfort and giggled, he knew me too well.

"Brighten up Tilly," He said, his blue eyes sparkling. "Or should I say Brighton up." I glared at him jokingly, only making him laugh more at me. He brought our hands to his mouth and kissed the back of mine, causing my heart to flutter in my chest. God, this boy had me wrapped around his finger and he knew it. I didn't like to admit it, but I was completely obsessed with this idiot to the point where I would 100% willingly agree to be his boyfriend even if he happened to be a murderer.

It took every bit of self-control to stop my self from smiling, struggling to keep my lips twitching. I managed to keep a straight face, with much difficulty, and opened my mouth to snap back at him with a sassy comeback when Alfie interrupted us, yeling over the wind.

"Hurry up lovebirds!' At these words, Zoe giggled and winked at us. Troye and I both blushed, hurrying towards them. I broke into a jog, pulling Troye along behind me. 

"Tyllerr you know I don't run!" He pouted slightly, grasping onto my arm with both hands and pulling me backwards in attempt to make me slow down. 

"I know, and we aren't running, we're jogging." I laughed, stopping to turn and look at him.

Oh. Bad mistake. 

Troye was making the most adorable face ever, his bottom lip stuck out and hands together. Why is he so attractive? I rolled my eyes instead of stopping and walking with him, as hard as it was. Damn, I really hope he can't tell how much he affects me. 

"Then give me a piggy back? Please Tilly?"

My stomach swooped with butterflies when I heard him use my special nickname. I nodded defeat then leant down so he could get onto my back. I really needed to learn how to say no, I swear this kid would be the end of me. I didn't expect it when Troye jumped onto my back and nuzzled his face into my neck, causing the hairs there to stand up at his warm breath.

 "Thanks Ty." He whispered against my ear, his lips brushing against it as he spoke. His words and the tone of his voice sent a noticeable shiver down my spine as I started jogging again, placing him down once we reached Zoe and Alfie.

 All four of us laughed and talked the  whole way back to Zoe and Alfie's house. I had forgotten how much I missed my YouTube friends (and a certain Australian), I was so caught up in work and YouTube related things so it was nice to relax for once.

By the time we had reached the house the sun had set and the only light was the moon. The temperature had also dropped considerably, which resulted in me snuggling into Troye. I looked up at him through my eyelashes to take in his features. He looked even more stunning than usual in this light. His thick, curled eyelashes shaded his beautiful eyes slightly, but not so I couldn't see them at all. Troye's eyes were the colour of the ocean, but more colourful, and more complex and better, I guess, because they were his eyes. Better because it was Troye.

A few strands had fallen from his quiff and stuck to his forehead and his nose and lightly freckled cheeks were pink from the cold. I was still studying him when he turned suddenly and looked down at me. 

"Can I help you?" He smiled and moved his hand to rest at my waist. "Or are you too busy checking me out?" I shook my head quickly, looking down at my shoes as I felt my blush rising from my neck onto my cheeks. I both despised and loved how he was the only one who could make me blush. He also happened to be the only one who could make my heart skip a beat, or give me butterflies too, and I hope he knew how special that made him.

Troye and I walked into the house, still clinging onto each other, my arms wrapped tightly around his torso. We took a moment to look at our surroundings, as we hadn't been in Zoe and Alfie's new house before today. Their house was organised and had a nice homey vibe to it. I would be lying if I said I didn't feel a bit sheepish when I thought back to my small and untidy flat that only ever became neat when I tidied for videos. We were still looking around when a small, high-pitched bark made us jump, my head hitting Troye's jaw as he let out a grunt. My eyes widened as he moved his hand to run his chin. Oh god, I hope I haven't hurt him.

"Sorry babe." I winced, as if he was the one who had hurt me as I turned and touched the spot where my head had hit him gently. He gave me a reassuring smile, relief quickly flooding me, before looking down. 

A small black pug was sitting in front of us growling slightly, but still managing to look adorable. Its head was cocked slightly to the right as if the sight of Troye and I confused it. I racked my brain trying to remember what her name was.

 "Nala!" Troye suddenly said while I was deep in thought, causing me to jump again. He stepped forwards then bent down in front of me to stroke Nala giving me a perfect view of his ass during the process. I smirked slightly as at the unexpected view before slumping onto the sofa, in between Zoe and Alfie.


Author's Note: Okay, i'm gonna admit this isn't the best *shields face* DONT KILL ME but I promise it will get better okay cool awesome idk what this is... um if anyone has actually read this chapter I LOVE YOU, THANK YOU QUEEN FOR NOTICING ME (or king, if male) ASDLSCHWDHCBIC i caNT FRICKING FRACKING WAIT TO KEEP UPLOADINF IM LEAVING BEFORE I ABUSE CAPITALS TOO MUCH (btw, keep an eye out for another update shhh i didnt say that)

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- Jade x

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