Chapter Four

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As I predicted, when we got to the beach I was out of breath, even though we walked the whole journey. Tyler was one head a step of me the whole way, his feet quickly tapping against the pavement.  

We quickly crossed the road, jumping down onto the pebbles. I walked further down the beach, pulling Tyler along with me. We walked along the shoreline, listening to the gulls squawk. 

My hand was in Tyler's once again, his touch comforting me. Tyler gave me a weird kind of happiness that made me feel all warm inside. It was hard to explain but he felt like home. I was deep in thought again, running my thumb up his pointer finger obliviously. As we continued to walk in comfortable silence, Nala padding along next to us, I just thought. I thought about how much he meant to me, how much I depended on him, what it'd feel like to loose him. 

I'm sure I wouldn't be able to take it. I know this was so cheesy and cliche but Tyler was like my other half. No one clicked with me like he did. Grief filled me as I pictured him in a coffin, and me, standing in black crying along with our friends and family.

I was snapped out of my thinking when I felt something cold press against my face. 

 "GETAWAY" I flailed my arms, jumping away from the contact, not realising that it was just Tyler's hand. Loud laughter filled the air.

"Troye, I've been calling you for like a minute" Tyler waved his hand in front of my face. 

"Do you want to walk back now? It's getting dark." He asked, swinging our entwined hands between us. 

"Okay." I looked around, the sun had mostly set, a few small rays of sunlight peeking out from the clouds. 

I stood up, realising that we had been out for at least 30 minutes. Shit, I hope we didn't make Zoe and Alfie worried.

"Come on Tilly!" I said, still in a bit of a haze because of my thoughts from before.  

"Tyler?" Why hasn't he answered? I turn and look at him 

"Trooyyyee, Nala is taking a shit and I don't wanna pick it up." He giggles and pushes me towards the dog. 

"Hey! I don't either!" I quickly jump over Nala from the force of Tyler's shove, underestimating his strength. 

 "Fine I'll do it." Tyler sighed exasperatedly, surprising me. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a plastic dog shit bag. I didn't see him put that there. 

 I had to cover my mouth to stop my self from laughing as he frowned and bent down, hand inside the plastic bag. Tyler made a face when he grabbed the poop through the plastic, causing me to fail at 'Try Not To Laugh Because Your Boyfriend Probably Won't Appreciate It', the game I constantly play while I'm with him.

 He picked up the dog poo and tied the bag; his face still wrinkled up in what I thought was an adorable expression. I pinched his cheek and giggled.

"I'll put it in the bin." I sighed and put my hand out; I guess I needed to give something back. I was surprised for a split second when Tyler pushed my hand away. 

"No, I'll do it." I rolled my eyes, although my heart leaped at how cute he was. I was suddenly thankful for my acting lessons, for teaching me how to mask my feelings. To be honest, I'd probably scare him off with my obsessive fanboying. 

"Aw, you're such a gentleman!" I said sarcastically, relishing in his small blush and matching eye roll. 

Tyler scanned the area for a rubbish bin, his eyes settling on a bin across the road.

"Stay here, okay?" He passed me Nala's leash, checking the road for any cars.

"Okay." I said giggling again, hoping he'd get the reference. I swear giggling is the only thing I do when I'm around him.

"Okay." He replied, winking before stepping onto the road. I was gonna be completely honest here, I felt something at the bottom of my stomach, like something bad was going to happen. I shook it off, telling my self I was being an overly clingy boyfriend. But I guess anyone would of been worried, it was dark, the road was quite wide and it was Friday night, drunks probably roaming the streets. 

I watched Tyler cross the road, stooping halfway for a car to cross. I let out a breath. Wait, when did I stop breathing? He walked across the second half of the road, finally reaching the other end. A trickle of relief rushed into me when he threw the bag into the bin. 

 He turned and briefly checked left and right for cars, before jogging back to the midsection of the road. I was still confused as to why dread had started gathering inside of me. It's fine; Tyler can cross a road without me. It's not like he needs me with him every second of everyday. 

 I took to reassuring myself that I was being stupid, or maybe I was sick, but the feeling inside me grew, as I contemplated what the hell was happening.

 I shook my head and slowly lifted my gaze to Tyler who was still in the middle of the road, waiting for cars to cross. He smiled, probably noticing my discomfort and began walking towards me. The bad feeling in my stomach suddenly came to a high, oh god what's happening? I was too focused on trying to decipher my feelings, not seeing the large looming figure coming up beside Tyler. I guess even if I was looking I wouldn't see it; it was way too dark. 

My stomach churned and the world slowed down when I looked up at Tyler to reassure myself. A car had just sped around the corner, about to hit Tyler, it's headlights lighting his body up. I ran harder than I ever had before, although the contents of my stomach were threatening to spill out of my mouth at what I saw. 

My eyes were screwed shut slightly, I would never reach him, who was I kidding? I hated myself for waiting for the sound of the car colliding with Tyler's body. These few moments were the most unbearable seconds I had ever experienced. It was a million times worst then coming out and the anxiety before my first stage performance or worst than my first heartbreak. Nothing I had ever experienced could match the feeling of my heart crashing towards the ground when I realised I couldn't save the boy I was so desperately head over heels in love with.


Author's Note: Y'ALL WERENT READY FOR THAT HAHAHAH no but srsly I hate myself for coming up with this fanfic idea and writing this, I had to stop many times during writing bc I was crying too hard ummm yeah DID YOU LIKE THE CLIFFHANGER? btw I'm so so so sorry for the length of these chapters, I'm just tryna drag this fic out idk

Comment, follow, pizza

- Jade x

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