51. A Long Night

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Kate's POV

Sam caught the eye of many, men and women alike. I don't blame them, she's ... perfect. Anyone with eyes could see that. I loved seeing the guy's reactions when she would tell them she's gay. There were a few that had the nerve to continue flirting with her.

It was another story with the girls that flirted. I couldn't help but to roll my eyes at their advances and found myself trying to drown my jealousy every time they laughed or smiled at what she said or when they would sneak a look at her body when she turns to reach for a bottle.

I wish I had something stronger than fruit punch, gave strict instructions to the other bartender not to serve me anything else. 

'Fan - fucking - tastic'. 

That didn't stop me though. I'm determined to get a drink or two in me ASAP, it's life or death. Every now and then Sam would make sure that I was fine. It took a little coaxing to get Ornelle to make me a drink but I finally got it and downed it in one go. It tasted more like any other juice than an alcoholic drink, but I had spoke too soon.  I had tried to hide my drunken state, but she saw right through it.

"Didn't I say not to give her anything", Sam scolded. 

"I only gave her a little. I didn't think she'd be such a light weight".  

"Do not move until my shift is over", she ordered me. 

With the room spinning I don't think I'll be moving anytime soon.

A few hours later. 

"Have you sobered up", she asked.

Spent the time trying not to throw up behind her. Finally off and inside our apartment, I make a bee line for my bathroom. Still emptying out my stomach of the alcohol, a hand comes from behind  pulling my hair away from my face.

"Thankfully you made it to the toilet, because I did not sign up for the alternative."

I groaned in response and continued barfing.

Sam's POV

"There's a glass of water and a few pills on your nightstand", I said heading towards her bedroom door to leave.

"You said we'd talk when we got back".

"I did... but it doesn't seem like your up for it", I sighed.

"I'm fine", she affirms.

I give a look over as she sat at the end of the bed with a freshly cleaned face, her eyelids heavy along with her lazy posture... She's exhausted. Why is she so stubborn.

"I'm going to go change first, then I'll be back", I reply.

Hopefully by then she falls asleep. It's been a long night. It's been a long night. I now remember why I don't usually bother with makeup, its a hassle to wash off. what drove me to do this anyway. A stupid question for an obvious answer.  I didn't think shed show up to the bar though. Done with my shower and dressed in new attire I make my way back to Kate's room. 

'Thank God she's asleep', I thought. I wasn't quite ready to have a talk with her just yet. At least not while she's in this state. What had gotten into to her anyway. I mean, liquor obviously but besides that. She's not one to drink, so what changed. I ask myself as I sat beside her taking in the sight before me. Kate's face nuzzled against a pillow she has her arms wrapped around. 

Her lips parted ever so slightly and short bits of hair hang softly over her forehead. Bringing my knees up to my face, I think to myself. 'What exactly goes on in her head'. She knows how I feel about her.... well I think she does. and it's obvious that she feels something for me. We had sex numerous times already, so the attraction is there. So then why..... why is she so hesitant to choose. Why is it so difficult for her. Seeing as I'm not going to get the answer watching her sleeping form. I retire to my room and knock off to sleep.

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