24. Complete Surprise

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"So this is the famous Kate", Danny asks already knowing the answer. 

"Wow.. she's hot Sam", Thomas commented. 

"And taken", Dylan adds wrapping his arm around her waist. 

He kisses her on the side of her head. I really want to leave now. Why'd she have to bring Dylan. 

"And so she is", Estephon points out. 

"Your a lucky man", Cole comments nonchalantly. 

Right now I'm trying to find out how fast I can chug this beer down. Danny nudges me to get my attention. I give him an annoyed look and realize I haven't introduced them. 

"Kate, the one to your left is Bruce, he doesnt talk much which makes him a good listener. Thomas and Cole are the two play boys of the group".

"Aside from you, you mean", Kate implicated. 

"Ouch", Thomas exclaimed smiling at Kate's retort. 

"I like her", Cole adds.

I brush off her comment and continue with introductions. 

"This one on my right is Estephon, heart of gold .And to my left is Danny, the parent of the group. Now since that's out of the way I'm gunna get some more drinks, Danny", I hint at him to assist me. 

"Yeah, I'll help". 

Making our way to the bar Danny taps me on my shoulder.

"So what's the plan in winning Kate". 

I looked at him as if he grew two heads and continued on my way to the bar.

"Eight cold ones and a tropical punch". 

"Who's the fruit punch for", Danny asks with a raised eyebrow. 

"Kate, she's a total lightweight". 

"You know we'll help you out right, just say when". 

"Thanks really, but no thanks".  

I hand him the beers and carry the other two and the fruit punch for Kate. 

"Finally, you guys are back", Cole remarked.

"What did we miss", Danny asks handing everyone a beer excluding Kate. 

Pouted red lips came over her angelic face, it was the cutest thing ever. 

"Here", I place the red cup in front of her. 

"What is it", she asked. 

"Juice", I said simply. 

"Really Sam", she whines.

"We both know your a lightweight so no buts". 

"Babe, you can have my beer if you want i'll get another one", Dylan says. 

At least I think that's what he said because he gave her his beer and left heading to the bar. Kate looks at me, bottle in hand and sticksvout her tongue in a teasing manner.

But I'm the one with the last laugh when she takes a swig, she grimaces. I can tell that she hasn't swallowed the contents yet. She knows she hates beer, but she musters up the courage and swallows it down anyway, just to provoke me. 

"Where's the bathroom", Kate asks.

I laugh knowing well why she asked for the restroom.

"Come on I'll show you", I gester for her to give me her hand. 

I pull her up to her feet only for her to stumble. I use my body to hold up her weight and grab hold of her. My hand comes into contact with her bare back, the other still holding her hand. 

"Whoa there you good", I asked looking for any sign of injury at her feet.

 I take this moment to trace a small circle at the base of her back with my thumb. Revelling in the soft feel of her skin to mine. Her body quivers from my contact and she looks at me with wide eyes. 

"I-im fine", she says pushing away from me. 

She walks away only to stop and come back.

"Can we go please", she says wrapping her arms around herself.

"Oh right bathroom", I realize grabbing her hand and leading her to the restroom.

"Geez Kate you only took one sip of beer", I laugh. We're now in the bathroom and Kate's splashing a bit of water on her face.

"What was that back there", she asked.

"What was what", I asked pretending not to know what she was talking about.

I combed my hand through my hair, tucking both my hands into my jacket pockets. She looked at me as if trying to decipher something. I shrugged my shoulders closing the distance a little. 

"Nevermind",  she said turning her focus back to the mirror to fix her make up. 

"Ready", I ask holding out my hand for her to take.

"I remembered the way", she says before exiting leaving me feeling defeated once again.

Watching her leave whilst in that dress, I ask myself, did I really lose. If so, I don't really mind losing.

"Hey cutie wanna dance", a woman grabs a hold of my arm showing off a hell amount of cleavage. 

"Umm sorry, but I'm with someone".

"Aww come on just one dance, one won't hurt will it", she says mere inches away from my ear. 

This chick is completely invading my personal space. 

" I really have t-", next thing I know I'm being pulled in another direction. 

I turn around to see none other than Kate walking furiously with my arm in hand. 

"Hey Kate hang on I can't walk like this", but she continues to pull me. 

"Kate", I yell a little louder but I'm not getting through to her. 

Dammit, fine. Since I'm not getting through to her verbally, how about physically. I pull her in by the waist, turning her to face me.

 I scan her face for something, anything that'll tell me why she's acting like this. But she does something that catches me by complete surprise. 

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