29. Pizza Palace

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I had left Cassie in the crowd to be on stand by just in case Stanley was to catch cold feet going up there. I asked a teacher nearby if they had a guitar on hand and to my luck they had just that.

I havent played the guitar in a while but when your nephew is in a pinch you have to try am I right. I watch from back stage hoping that everything goes well.

But I stood corrected, seeing Stanley turn around to retreat. I ran out on stage before he could, guitar in hand. I knelt down to meet his gaze. Poor Stanley was on the verge of tears. He ran into me in an embrace burying his face into my neck.

"There there", I say wiping away his tears.

"Auntie Sam's here to help you blow the roof off of this place", I said blowing in his face.

He scrunches up his face and places his hands over my mouth. The audience laughs at our antics. I pick up my guitar and strum a few chords.

"What song are you singing", I whispered.

He cupped my ear and whispered it to me. I find the notes in no time.

"Ready when you are kid", I said.

"You have to sing with me", he says matter of factly.

Is this kid for real, no no no hell no I'm not going to sing this sappy song in front of everyone this'll ruin my street cred. He looks at me with puppy dog eyes.

Curse your cute little face. I roll my eyes at him and look out to the crowd. The parents waiting in anticipation. Who am I kidding, their waiting to see their kid while some can't wait for this to end.

I spot Cassie in the crowd, she's hard to miss. Since we took the closest seats at the front. Her hands clasped together to her face anxiously waiting.

I smile at that, what is she nervous about, she's not the one up here right now being made to sing by a five year old.

I start anyway...

You're insecure

Don't know what for

You're turning heads when you walk through the door

Stanley sings the other verse.

Don't need make-up, to cover up

Being the way that you are is enough

He places the mic back to my lips indicating its my turn to sing.

"Come on everyone like this, clap with me", I yelled and resumed strumming the guitar.

Everyone else in the room can see it

Everyone else but you

Baby you light up my world like nobody else

The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed

I look over at Cass to see she flipping her hair and dancing to the song. This goes on for a bit until he closes us out with.

That's what makes you beautiful

The audience applauded our performance, Stanley grabbed my hand and we both bowed and left the stage. With Stanley in arm I made my way down the steps that led behind the stage.

"Thanks aunty Sam", Stanley said giving me a hug.

"of course bud", I replied ruffling his hair.

"Stanley you were amazing out there, good job", an unforgettable voice says.

My heart leaps out of my chest.

"Thank you Ms danvers ", he says wiggling out of my arms.

"Aunty Cass, aunty Cass did you see", he chimes running to her.

Leaving me to face my problems, and what a beautiful problem she is. Images of what almost happened fills my head. I remember how she stops me and brings up that dick for brains name. That sobers me up almost completely.

"Funny meeting you here",I laugh nervously.

She works here dumbass ughh please kill me, I bury my hands in my pockets to stop myself from doing anything stupid.

"Sam aunty cass says we're going to pizza Palace", the boy yelled enthusiastically.

"Did she now", I mimicked scooping him into my arms giving his tummy a tickle.

Thank you kid, I'm going to buy him anything he wants when we get there. I turn my attention back to katelyn who was watching me intently.

Her eyes showed me that she had so much to say but didn't know where to start. I had already decided that I wasnt going to wait for her anymore. The sound of applause came from the stage behind her.

"Seems we both have our hands full", I say to her.

She looks at Stanley and then at me with sad eyes.

"We'll talk later then", she asked.

"People don't like it when you keep them waiting", I gesture to the stage leaving with Stanley in my arms.

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