chapter 5 | touch

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Around five-thirty in the morning, I got out of my bed because I couldn't sleep. My dad's memories from the best father to him abusing me and my mom being with me to not being with me kept haunting me.

I went into the bathroom and took a long hot shower. I shampooed my hair and put on some conditioner. I then used body wash carefully and did not put it around my bruises and scars. I got out of the shower and brushed my teeth. I combed my hair and pulled my hair into a top knot.

I put on an oversized black hoodie and paired it with a denim jacket. I put on some basic black jeans and black and white vans.

It was pretty hot outside but I couldn't let anyone see any of the scars on my body so I decided to layer my clothes

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It was pretty hot outside but I couldn't let anyone see any of the scars on my body so I decided to layer my clothes. I went downstairs and Heather was already in the kitchen cooking breakfast. I decided to go and help her out.

"Good morning." I greeted as I entered the kitchen. I made my way towards the stove and stood next to her.

"Good morning dear, you are up so early today." Heather examined, as she flipped the pancake on the pan.

"Yeah, do you need any help?" I asked.

"Sure, do you mind cutting up some fruit and pouring the drinks in the glasses?" She replied politely. I nodded my head and proceeded to the counter island that had the fruit. I cut up the fruit into small pieces and poured out the drinks in different glasses.

Mr. Lavigne and Connor came downstairs and Heather placed the food on the dining table. I brought the sliced fruit and drinks and set them on the table. We all sat down after saying our greetings to one another and started eating breakfast.

After breakfast, Connor and I left for school. The drive to school was pretty quiet. We didn't talk much and I was too in my thoughts to make a conversation with Connor.

I was excited to meet my mother today but I didn't want to meet her at the same time. Her condition must be very weak and it will break my heart. I also didn't want to talk about my dad either. His funeral was in two days as Mr. Lavigne informed me during breakfast. I had to go to my old house and sign the documents to sell the house and retrieve the stuff that I left behind. I don't have much but I left my necklace that my dad gave me on my eighth birthday.

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