chapter 29 | bracelet

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We enter the penthouse in the same silence throughout the car ride.

Chase put his keys and wallet on the kitchen counter before going upstairs. I sighed and went to my room.

I went to the bathroom and did my business. I opened the door and saw the mess of clothes on the floor. I decided to unpack and actually organize everything into the closet.

While unpacking I saw the little amount of money I had with myself and took out ten dollars to give to Chase for the food. After putting away my last pair of shoes into the closet I closed the door. I took off the leather jacket and shoes I had on before going to Chase.

I left my room and went down the long hallway. I looked through the windows and saw the stars glistening.

I made my way upstairs and tried to remember which room was Chase's. I could hear the shower running from the far end so I decided to go that way. I touched the door handle and it was already unlocked. Testing my luck I open the door to reveal Chase's room.

He was in the bathroom so I decided to wait for him. I sat on his huge bed while looking out through the floor-length windows.

I heard the door open and I turned my head to look in that direction. Big mistake.

He had gray sweatpants hanging dangerously low and no t-shirt. The water dripping down from his hair onto his chest. His defined abs and muscular figure glowing from the little light in the room.

I looked away and continued staring through the window.

"Firefly," Chase said as I heard his footsteps coming closer to me.

"Yeah," I meant for that to come out a little louder but it came out as a whisper. I looked meeting his gaze.

"Do you need something?" he asked confused. You.

Oh right, the money.

"Here," I said extending my arm to him to hand him the money.

"Not again," he said rolling his eyes.

"You already know I won't take any other answer," I smiled.

"Yeah, stubborn ass," he said sitting beside me.

"Then take it," I said.

"Put it in the drawer," he said referring to the nightstand.

I opened the drawer and just as I was about to place the money. I saw a few dollar bills and twenty-dollar bills laying around.

"You just leave your money laying around," I said as I placed the money on top of the other money.

"Not just any money," he mumbled.

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