chapter 31 | firefly

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This was all my fault.

I look over to her laying on my bed with her hair scattered all over the pillow in my hoodie and comforter covering her petite body.

I was holding her hand promising her I'll never leave her alone again.

If I didn't fucking sleep, this wouldn't have happened. Ever.

The one day this happens she leaves her phone in my room worrying the living shit out of me.

Thankfully, I had put a tracker in her bracelet that allowed me to track her down.

Those fuckers will pay for what they did. I will make them regret everything little thing they did. They will burn to death.

The haunted memories of her laying down on the ground unconscious, defeated, taunt me every time I look towards her.

I don't know what I would have done if I didn't find her on time.

I pulled my hair from the roots in anger and disappointment. All my fucking fault, again.

She moved a little bit in the bed and turned to the side showing me all the shit those fuckers did to her. My hand formed into fists turning white instantly.

"I'm sorry," I whispered feeling my eyes getting wet.

I rub my thumb on the back of her hand in small circles thinking of the ways I will torture those bitches.

My personal doctor already came in and checked her out. She confirmed she wasn't raped but she was slapped across her face and the bruises forming on her face will stay for a bit. Also, the marks on her body will stay before disappearing. She recommended getting a therapist because firefly might fall into depression from this incident.

Shattering me into pieces.

Firefly, squinted her eyes before trying to open them slowly. I lifted up the remote from the nightstand and clicked the button to pull down the blinds.

She opened her eyes, fear still visible on her face when her eyes locked onto mine. She immediately flinched and shut her eyes.

"Firefly," I said softly. Watching her in this state was breaking me.

"P-please s-stop," she pleaded as her tears started falling down her face.

"They are gone,"

"N-no," she said while shaking her head as if the incident was running in her head.

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