chapter 44 | results

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After school, Chase kindly dropped me at my workplace. I couldn't help but notice that he wasn't really engaging in conversation. He said that he was stress about work.

I began my routine of folding the clothes and putting them in the designated places. The store today was very occupied.

I was at the cashier right now scanning the items that the customers are buying. My legs were killing me and these uncomfortable combat boots were not helping my case.

"Thank you for the purchase," I said as I handed the bag. She nodded and left. "Next customer please."

It was almost time for my shift to end. I checked out the rest of the customers standing in line. This weird feeling that I had in myself wasn't going away.

Finally, my shift was over and I picked up my stuff and left. Mickey picked me and I kindly asked him if he could drop me off at the hospital because I wanted to visit my mom. He nodded and started driving to the hospital.

Once he dropped me off I went inside and decided to first check in with my momma and then go to do my physical check-up. I had already made an appointment and they said anytime after seven which worked out great.

I opened the door and my momma was reading a book. A smile forming on my features. "Hey, Momma," I said and she lifted her eyes from the book she was reading.

"Oh hi dear. What are you doing here today?"

"I can't visit my Momma?" I joked and went closer to her.

"Of course you can. I just mean you didn't tell me beforehand."

"I know I wanted to surprise you." I laughed and hugged her lightly.

"I'm glad."

"How's the treatment going?" I asked as I sat down on the stool.

"He said I'll be good to go in the next two weeks or so." My Momma informed me. That works out great because I would get my paycheck by then and I can finally afford the apartment. All the money I had was in my backpack. Risky, I know.

"That's great news." I happily said. "I can't wait for us to live together again."

Everything was perfect right now. I felt on top of the world. I was happier than ever and everything was falling to place.

"I'm so proud of you Jasmin." My Momma put her hand on my cheek.

"Thank you." I smiled.

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