chapter 23 | bar

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I went to the girl's locker room and changed into workout clothes. Karla was talking about something but I couldn't comprehend anything.

I left the locker room and went inside the gym. I took a seat on the bleachers and wrapped my hands around myself.

"Jaz, what the fuck?" Karla said as she took a seat next to me.

"Huh?" I said.

"I was talking to you and you just left the locker room," she said annoyed.

"I'm sorry, I'm just not feeling it today,"

"You were fine like 10 minutes ago, what changed?" she asked.

"I just have a lot on my head," I said truthfully.

"I'm here if you ever need to talk," she said placing her hand on my shoulder and I nodded my head.

Connor, Anthony, and Chase took a seat beside us.

"Jazieee," Connor said and I just hummed.

"Connieee," I said quietly not really in the mood of joking anymore. I was trying hard to not let my real feelings come thru.

"Ew, don't ever call me that again," he examined.

"Hmm... nope," I said.

"Okay, so I decided we should go to the bar that's not too far from here. Okay, maybe it is but it will be worth it," Karla said talking about the plans after school and work.

"Sure," I said not really comprehending what she was saying.

"Do you guys want to come?" she asked the rest.

"Busy," Anthony said.

"Oh," Karla said.

"Today, we will be running the track. You will have to run one lap and walk the next one or you can run continuously," the new gym teacher announced.

"Fucking great," Karla said annoyed.

"Let's go to the field," he said opening the door to the field.

We all walked outside to the field. Everyone started to run when the teacher said go.

"I really hate running," Karla said.

"Same," I agreed.

We started running and it was not fun.

"Let's race," Connor's bright idea.

"Let's not," I said.

"Come on, it will be fun," he insisted.

"Well, I lose," I said determining how it will go.

"Okay, Anthony, Karla and I run, and then you and Chase race each other," Connor said.

"No, I will most definitely lose," I whined.

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