[13] Comfort

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Aurora and I haven't moved since Tyler and Caroline have left. I wanted to ask her what was wrong, but I wanted to do it somewhere no one could interrupt. Every time I would move a little she would grip onto me even more.

The door opened as Alaric stepped in, he stood at the door away and looked at us. I turn my head to him, my arms still around her.

"Damon brought Elena back to home." He looks at me and then at Aurora, who is trying to get herself together. I nod at Alaric letting him know that I'm ok and that I'll be fine when he leaves. He gives me a nod before walking out of the grill.

I slowly start running my fingers through her hair, pushing her away from my chest. She looks down as she wipes her tears and sniffles, she leans her head on my chest.

"Aurora, let's get you home, okay? Then we can talk about it if you want" I continue running my hands in her hair and kiss the top of her head.

"I don't want to go there" Her voice cracks and is raspy from all the crying. I place my hands on both her faces and look at her pinkish face.

"Ok, it's ok. Let's get in the car, OK? Everything's gonna be fine. You're ok" I kept creasing her cheek and wiping the tears. She looks down and nods, I take her hand in mine and lead her out. As we were walking to her car, she kept her head low and close to my arm. When we get in front of the car she gives me the keys without hesitation, I open the passenger door.

Once she's in the seat I gently close the door and walk around the car and get in the driver's seat. The whole drive there she would look out the window, at some point of the drive she had grabbed my hand and pulled it into her lap. She started to play around with my daylight ring while sniffling.

A few minutes late, I parked the car and went around to open her door. I reach for her hand as she stands up, she holds onto it with a firm hold. As she looks up, her eyes widen at the beautiful view.

We were at the top of a hill, Mystic Fall slowly lit up under the sunset. Aurora walks to the edge of the hill while still holding my hand. She sat down on the grass and watched the sunset. I look down adoring her, the sunlight making her skin glow. Feeling a tug on my hand, I come back to reality, her eyes looking back at me. She tugs on my hand again, I sit beside her and get comfortable. We watched the sunset quietly, she placed her head on my shoulder and wrapped her arms around mine.

A few minutes go by, the sun is down and the moon is up and shining. I turn to Aurora who is looking into space, sad sits in her eyes.

"Tell me what's got you like this? Please" my voice is soft, I run my fingers over her knuckles. With my free hand, I move the strand of hair that fell on her face and tug it behind her ear. 

"I-It's nothing" She kept looking down at our intertwined hands, as she wiped the tears off her cheek. 

"Clearly it's something, since it's got you like this" I didn't want to make her feel pressured into telling me, but if I wanted to help I had to know why she was in this mess. 

"I don't know how to share feelings, OK? I've never done this! I shouldn't be vulnerable in front of anyone!" Aurora stood up and started to yell, walking back and forth. I walked up to her slowly wrapping my arms tightly around her as she yelled at me, hitting my chest. Knowing that I wasn't going to let her go she stopped hitting my chest and leaned into me. We stay like this until she comes down, only then do I start asking questions. 

"Who told you that you couldn't grieve? ...It's okay to be vulnerable around the people you trust and that will take care of you." my hands draw partners on her hair as she answered. 

"Because I'm the older sibling. I have to be the strong one and protect them. How am I supposed to do that when I'm just crying"

"Yes, but you also have to grieve with and for your family. Please Aurora, tell me what's wrong?"

"They're gone" she whispered.

"Who gone?" my hand moved to her face, I gently pushed her face up, having a full view of her face. Tears quickly rolled down her cheek one after the other. 

 "Rebekah and Klaus. Elijah daggered them."

I leaned against the car and pulled her against me as she cried her heart out. I hold her close to her and hush into her ear. Her hands held tightly onto my shirt as if it was her oxygen. It breaks my heart to hear her cry, I can almost feel her pain. I could tell from her and Klaus's relationship that they were close and it hurt more when the other brother was the one who daggered Klaus. 

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