[28] Nightmare

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Scream. Someone was screaming. I jolted up from my sleep, I looked around the room and saw no one. I turn to Ro to see her turning in all directions, she's having a nightmare. She lets out another scream, I have to wake up her, I have to. I lean over her about to shake her awake, when the door to my room was violently opened.

"No! Stefan stop! Step away from her!" Elijah came running in and pushed my hands away from her. He looks around the room in a hurry before walking over to the door and closing it. I quickly stand up and rush over to Elijah.

"Elijah, what's going on-" Before I could continue my sentence Ro started turning viciously turning side to side while screaming.

"No, please! S-stop! It's not my fault! Dad, please!"

At that moment my body froze, I knew what was happening. I feel myself becoming angry, I turn to Elijah for the next thing we have to do.

"I'm sure you already know what is happening, but what you are about to experience is nothing that you have dealt with, so you follow every lead I give you. If there is a moment where you can not mess up, it's now. One wrong move and we can die. The minute we wake her up, she will not be in control. Her wolf will have all control of her body and mind, meaning she won't recognize you until we get her to calm down. Most importantly no sudden movements..." Elijah stood in front of me and held eye contact while talking. I nod my head letting him know that I understood everything he just told me.

Elijah walks over to Ro, before he wakes her up he gives me a sign not to move. Elijah then shakes Ro up and immediately takes a couple of steps back, as she viciously looks around. Her eyes are bright electric yellow, and she hyperventilating as she looks around the room in a hurry once again. Her eyes land on Elijha and me before moving to the door. Her attention comes back to Elijah and me, I make sure not to move a single hair. She snarls at us, crawling across the bed making more distance. She stands up and looks at the door once more then at the window, like she was contemplating which way she should go.

Elijah took a step toward the door, which immediately got her attention, and she did not like what he was doing. She growled and kept her eyes fixed on him, watching every single movement of his. He takes another step slower this time, in a blink of an eye Aurora throws herself at Elijah, sending both of them against the floor. I was uncertain about what to do to help Elijah.

I quickly speed over, grab Aurora by the waist, and pull her off her brother. She violently moves trying to get out of my grip. I try to talk to her to calm her down and bring her back to reality. She sends me across the room using her powers. My back slammed into the wall before I fell. I grunt cause of the pain my back had felt. I look up and see both siblings fighting, Elijah getting weaker. I go on all fours before being able to stand up, at this point, Elijah was being held against the wall. She was choking him with her powers, I had to act fast.

"Aurora!" I got her attention almost immediately. I slowly took a step toward her like Elijah first did. I looked at Elijah to check on him before my eyes found hers.

"Hey, it's ok. It's me, Stefan. Your safe. He's not here" Our eyes don't break away. Her eyes start to soften, and water forms at the bottom of her eyes.

"Stefan?" her voice was soft and if it weren't for my super hearing I wouldn't have heard her. There was a thudding noise from the side of the room catching both me and Ro's attention. Eliijha was getting up and brushing off the dust that was on his shirt.

I turned back to Ro who was standing with a shocked face, tears threatening to fall. I walk over to her but still keep some distance between us. Slowly her gaze found mine, and a tear unhuriedly fell down her face.

"O-omg. I attack you guys. I-I had no control and-"

" Hey, it's ok Ro. Like you said you had no control. You weren't in the right state of mind. We were just worried about you, that's all." Elijah closes the distance between them two and cautiously wraps his arms around her. Ro doesn't move an inch like she's frozen. Elijah rubs his hand up and down her back trying to comfort her. I run my hand down my face and let out a sigh, relaxing my muscles after everything that happened.

I look up to see Ro slowly walking towards me with teary eyes. She stops a few feet away, clearly hesitating to do something. I opened my arms, and not even a second later she had her arms wrapped around me, holding me tight. My arms automatically wrap around her, I lean my head down and kiss her head. I look back up to Elijah, he nods his head and walks out of the room. I look at my nightstand and see that it's 2 in the morning. I kiss her head one more time, " C'mon let's go back to bed..."

"I can't. I won't. H-he'll come back-". Ro starts shaking her head and holding tighter onto me.

"Hey, hey, it's ok. We don't have to sleep, we can just lay down. It's only two in the morning. ok?" I softly spoke to her not wanting to freak her out even more. Ro hasn't moved since wrapping her arms around me, yet she manages to nod her head slowly while quietly saying ok. I bend down a bit place my arms under her legs and lift her. She warms her arms around me and places her head in the crock of my neck. I walk over to the bed and slowly place her on the bed. I was about the stand up but Ro's arms were tightly wrapped around my neck.

" Don't leave... please..." she whispers in my ear, trying to bring me closer to her.

" I'm just going to the other side of the bed, alright baby". She lets go of my neck and turns her body in the opposite direction on my side of the bed. I walk around the bed and slide in, she does waste one second before cuddling my side. I let out a chuckle before laying down fully and placing my arm around her body while pushing her closer. Ro places her head on my chest and her leg resting on my pelvis. I slowly ran my fingers through her hair, hoping, just hoping that it would help her fall back asleep. The silence was comfortable and neither one of us broke it. I could tell that she was falling asleep cause her breathing was becoming more even. I closed my eyes but I was still paying attention to her breathing.

"Stefan?" Her soft voice filled the room. I hummed back letting her know that she had my attention. "Thank you for everything. I've never had someone I can count on like you." I kiss the top of her head, "Anything for you Ro". She hummed back and nuzzled herself closer to me. I stayed awake until I was sure that she had fallen asleep.

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