[37] Missing

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" Why haven't you been answering my calls?" His voice was soft a with a worried expression. God I missed him, I missed being in his arms, I miss everything about him. There was no way of not missing him, I've been so worried about everything going on with Esther that I was too busy to miss him. 

"I have to, it's for your safety Stefan." I quickly backed away from him. We were too close to just be friends. Esther could be looking at us right now and she would know something is going on. 

" No don't do this to me again. Stop worrying about my safety, I can take care of myself. You need to stop pushing me away" I feel anger start to rise in me and I take a deep breath. 

" I know you can defend yourself, Stefan. But you can't defend yourself against her 'cause I can't even do it. You don't know her, ok? Once this is over we can do whatever you want." I looked up to him, with the hope that he would drop the subject. 

"You're staying the night and you're explaining everything. Got it?" I smile at his voice of orders. I nod my head and finally get a good look at him. He looked hot in his tux, I just wanted to take it off him. 

" You look beautiful, Ro" He whispered into my ear, sending tingles down my spine.

" Thank you, Mr. Handsome" He smiled, making my mood brighten. We were soon gonna change partners for the last time, and I don't know the next time I'll see him. 

"I missed you Stef..." I whisper in his ear so no one can hear me. 

"I missed you too, Ro", I lean in more and kiss his cheek before being passed on to the next person. Thank god it was the last person cause this was starting to annoy me. I looked at the person who was dancing with me and saw the one and only Klaus. 

" You two look very close..." He smirked, I smiled and looked over at Stefan who was dancing with Rebekah. 

" I could say the same thing about you and Carolina" I smirk, he gave me a small smile in response. We danced in listening, just enjoying each other's company. The dance finally ends and everyone goes their way, I walk back to the main room and see Elena talking with Elijah. Champagne was going around and mostly everyone had it. I grab one off the trays even though I hate champagne, but it would look odd not to have the glass in my hand when everyone else has it. I see Esther stand at the top of the stairs, our eyes connect for a minute before she breaks it. 

"I invite you all to join me in raising a glass. It provides me with no greater joy than to see my family back together as one, I'd like to thank you all for being part of this spectacular evening. Cheers." Esther raises her glass, everyone does the same cheers back, and drinks from their glass. 

I decided to call it a night while people were still socializing. As I walk over to the front door I feel a hand grab my elbow, making me turn around. I look up to see Stefan, I scan the room to make sure not too many people are looking at us. 

"You're not leaving. You're coming with me and we're talking." 

"Stefan, please. I promise you I'll tell you everything but I have to leave before Esther finds me."

"What happened between you and Eshter that made you so afraid? The last time you were somewhat scared was when you killed Mikael. Let me help you" 

" Stefan, I need to take care of this by myself-" Before I could finish my sentence there was a sound of a fight going on outside.

Stefan and I look at each other before turning around and running for the front door. The minute Stefan opened the door, I saw Damon on top of someone, they were knocked out. 

"Damon!" Stefan runs over to Damon with a shocked face. "Are you crazy?" 

I make my way to them but Stefan stands in front of me right before I can get a good look at the person's face. I push him aside and see Kol's body lying there, I look at Damon with rage. I balled my hand into a fist. I noticed Fin and my other siblings had walked out of the venue.

Damon took a couple of steps away from me. "Maybe a little..." His eyes never leave mine, as I took a step toward him. I get to him at a quick speed and punch him in the nose and then his stomach. He bends over grabbing his stomach while Stefan steps in front of him. He places his hand on my stomach to try and keep me from getting closer. I push his hand away and walk away from them. 

I get to my car and drive to a hotel in the town over. Once I get into the room, I sit on the edge of the bed and let out a sigh. That night was short but yet crazy. Unfortunately, I forgot to bring a bag with extra clothes since I didn't think I'd be staying here. I look over at the clock on the nightstand, it is 1:23 am. Ugh

I was about to take off my dress when my phone started to ring. I flip it over and see Damon's name. I let it go to voicemail, but he called again.

"If you want me to punch you again, then please call again. Now stop calling-" I was annoyed and all I wanted to do was go home. 

" I think Stefan got taken..." 

"Damon, I don't have time for your guys' jokes just to get me to your house and talk about the situation going on right now. Don't you have other fish to fish?"

"No, after you left Stefan went after you and I haven't seen him since..."  Damon was stressed I could tell by his voice. 

" I'm sure he's taking a walk. Look-" I sigh and sit back on the bed. 

"Aurora! Please, just come by the house and we can go from there..." I hang up the phone and pace around the room. I throw the phone on the bed making it bounce to the floor. After a few minutes of debating with myself, I grab the phone and walk out. 

I drive up to the driveway and walk into the house. I see Damon, Elena, Caroline, Bonnie, Enzo, and Alaric all in the living room. I stand at the entrance and take a deep breath while looking down. 

"When was the last time any of you saw him?" I look up to everyone. Damon and Elena had changed into comfortable clothes, while me and Caroline were still in our dresses. 

"Last time I saw him, was when he was going after you..." Elena answered looking at me. Damon and Caroline nodded at the same time. 

" Did you see him when he was going after you?" Alaric spoke with a frown and took a step forward.  

"No, I just heard him calling my name out" I looked at Alaric while I spoke cause I knew he never trusted me and most likely never will. 

"So what do we d-" Elena started speaking when a phone rang. Everyone looked at each other before all eyes were on me. I look down at my phone with a frown at the unknown number. I look up at everyone while clicking the pickup button. 

"Aurora speaking..." I wait for an answer. 

"Arie, I think I have something of yours..." I know that voice. I froze, I felt my face become pale, and my mind went silent. Everything that I feared was coming to life. The whole reason why I pushed Stefan away. That voice haunts me day and night, there was no way of escaping it. 

Damon and I make eye contact, he mouths me. "Who is it?"  


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26 ⏰

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