[35] Envelope

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I lock up the small storage unit quickly before speed walking out. I get in the car and dive back to my penthouse house.

I've been in New York for about 3 weeks, trying to get rid of anything that my mother could use as leverage over me. My mother and I used to be close, we would tell each other everything and hang out a lot, but that all changed the night we turned. After that night she became cold and stoned face towards me and me only. She had forced me to improve my witch side. She would make me work myself to the point where I would pass out for two days. All she kept saying was that I needed to be strong enough to control my siblings, and there was no other way. If I even missed up once she would stop me from feeding, making me more weak. She knew that I would do anything to protect my siblings and she used it against me. She would threaten to force Freya to learn what I'm doing and make her go through what I am. I couldn't let that happen, Freya was too innocent at the time for that and it would only break her. So I did what I was told, and kept to myself about everything, not wanting my siblings to see what their mother was doing. Especially Klaus, he's always had a soft spot for Esther.

I never got a break from my parents, unfortunately that comes with being the oldest sibling. Either I getting tortured by Mikael or Esther was locking me up until I did a spell correctly. They both took my humanity away from me, and there was no way of getting it back. I should have known that something was gonna come. I had spent the last two months with the Salvatores, with no problems. I should have known that it was too good to be real. I was too comfortable, I didn't even know my brother was alive and walking around. For all I know the rest of my siblings could be alive.

Stefan calls almost every day but I don't answer. I want to talk to him, I do but I can't. Even Damon and Enzo called a couple of times. I think Enzo was still with the Salvatore. I trust them with Enzo, and I know Stefan would protect Enzo if the others don't.

If Esther finds out about Stefan and how much he started to mean to me, she'll use it against me and it will destroy me. This is what I was afraid of, Stefan being used as bait to lure me out and get to me. This is why I can't trust anyone, cause Esther turns people on me. She gets leverage over them and makes them turn their back on me. I shouldn't show any interest in Stefan and pretend that he doesn't exist. I'm gonna stay in New York until she is gone and hopefully, then it'll be safe. It was now the waiting game, the most boring and worst part. You never know when something is gonna come at you.

I was back in my penthouse, it was pouring outside making the apartment look nice and cozy. The lights were on low, the raindrops hitting against the window making the Empire State Building lights stand out. I love this weather, all the buildings light up, with a little bit of fog covering the tips. I played some Micheal Jackson songs on my speakers that are set throughout the apartment, while sitting on my L-shaped couch, looking at the city under me. Everything was nice and calm until there was a knock at the door. Slow I got up and looked around the room to find something I could use to distract the person at my door, but I ended up not finding anything. I walk over to the door and look through the peek hole to find no one. I decided to stand away from the door and walk to the kitchen which was to the left of the door. I lean against the counter, random people don't randomly knock on my door. Even though I didn't see anyone they might be waiting for me to open the door and then attack. It has happened before, I'll just wait for a few minutes and then I'll open the door.

It's been about 3o minutes and nothing has happened yet. I think it's safe to say that they left, slowly and quietly I walk to the door and peek through the peek hole. Nothing. I slowly turn the lock, trying to not make it noticeable. Opening the door cautiously, and peek out to see the empty hallway. Looking down I notice an envelope on the floor, I grab it and walk into the apartment.

The envelope was a light yellow with the word Daughter written in the middle of it. I set it down on the counter and lean over it. I let a sigh out, running my hand down my face. I open the envelope to see a white paper with a gold outline and fancy black words.

Mikaelson Family

I flip the card over...

Esther Mikaelson

Shit! How did she end up in Mystic Falls? Elijah. Damn him. I have no other choice than to go. I hope the Salvatore aren't invited, cause that would be one less problem to worry about, but seeing as the event is in Mystic Falls I doubt it. Thinking about it now, it's almost as if she purposely did it over there. We have many other Mikaelson mansions, why did she pick this one? I have a bad feeling about tonight.

I check the time and see that it's 1 pm, which means I have to get ready and head off to this exciting event. I sigh and walk up the stairs to my room. I looked through the walking closet, going to where all my fancy dresses were. I picked a simple strapless black dress, the top was a corset with a high cut on the side showing off my right leg. I paired the dress with my Kate heels, the red of the shoes added a bit of color to the outfit. Finally, I added simple earrings that just end at the middle part of my neck. Even though it was simple it was still very elegant, I don't want anyone to notice me. I have to avoid my mother and Elijah the whole night which is almost impossible but I can still hope for it. I walk out of the house and make sure that my door is locked before heading to my BMW and heading off.

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