Part 25

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Jungkook's POV

Taking half the time than I usually took to reach home, I ran into the house knowing that Jimin had invited that idiot in.

I frantically looked for the omega around the house and ignored Taehyung who was currently just looking at me from the living room.

"Baby?!" calling out for him, Jimin merged out from the kitchen wearing what he wore this morning and I glared at Taehyung who was just smirking from where he stood.

"Jungkook? How fast did you drive - what are you doing?" Jimin was confuse with what's happening, not understanding why I was covering his body with my jacket.

"Awhh, I can't even admire a beautiful pregnant omega now?" Taehyung walked to us, and I pulled Jimin into my embrace, not wanting the alpha to look at my omega even more.

"Shut up, hyung. Don't even lay your eyes on Jimin," warning him as Jimin was still in my arms, I felt a slap on my chest and I looked down to meet Jimin's surprised pretty eyes.

"Jungkook!" he frowned, not approving my words, and I felt the need to stand up for my action.

"Babe, he's ogling you!" wanting Jimin to understand my situation, I glared at the alpha when I heard Taehyung's entertained laugh.

"This is very interesting. No wonder Jin hyung told me to come here and see how whipped you are for Jimin by myself," he was wiping his eyes that had teared due to his laugh, and I sighed in defeat when Jimin wriggled out of my hug.

This omega turned all excited once he heard about the Kim Hotel's owner.

"You know Jin hyung too? How is he? Is he very busy now?" Jimin bombarded Taehyung with questions, and he took the alpha's offered hand as they walked to the living room.

Poking the inside of my cheek with my tongue at the touch, I just watched, not wanting to make Jimin fell out of his excitement due to my jealousy.

"Of course, he's my brother. Well, step brother, but that's not important. He's been my brother since I was a baby," Taehyung told his story with ease, and I quickly took the seat beside Jimin while pushing Taehyung to sit at the opposite chair.

"Step brother?" Jimin was immediately invested in Taehyung's back story, and I just decided to focus on his cute reactions instead of hearing Taehyung's past that I already knew.

"My parents are - uh, well, they abandoned me, so I was adopted from an orphanage by mom and dad before I even know how to walk," Taehyung talked, and I bit my lips as I saw the pout on Jimin’s lips.

"Oh my, I'm sorry to hear that," he sounded devastated pitying the alpha, and I rubbed his back to prevent Jimin from crying.

What a sensitive baby.

"I never really knew who they were so, no worries" Taehyung shrugged his shoulder as he rested his back on the couch, and I smiled when Jimin rested his body on me, scooting closer to my hold.

"Jungkook, how could you treat Taehyung like this when he had a sad past like that?" the omega looked up and scolded me, telling me my fault for treating Taehyung with disrespect and I just sighed.

"He's happy now, that's what matters. And did he try to flirt with you? I bet he did," changing the topic since that's what had been playing in my head since earlier, Taehyung answered the question before Jimin could even open his mouth.

"I did, but he just straight up ignored me," the alpha smiled cheekily showing his boxy smile, and I just focused on Jimin instead.

"You did?" asking the omega, Jimin made unamused face at me and question me next.

"What do you expect me to do? Get swayed?" he asked, very cutely tilting his head to the side and I shook my head, smiling wide at his answer.

"Nope," kissing his forehead and pulling Jimin into my arms, I smiled wider when Taehyung made disgusted face as he looked at me.

"This sweetness is making me sick, to be honest. When are you due, Jimin?" the male focused on the omega, and Jimin’s beautiful smile decorated his face.

"In two weeks," he caressed the baby bump, and I smiled when he landed his head on my shoulder.

"Are you sure you want to attend the dinner? Hyung said he'll be free after tonight, so maybe you should just rest at home and we'll visit you tomorrow," Taehyung said, and I agreed with his words.

"You think that'd be better?" looking at me and looking at the alpha opposite us, Jimin slowly looked convinced after there's someone else other than me who said the same thing.

I did worry that Taehyung would continue to seduce Jimin in my absence, but I do trust that he would really be responsible on taking care of the my pregnant omega properly while I was gone.

"Of course, I can help take care of you while Jungkook's gone. He's the star, so he can't be absent from the event tonight," Taehyung convinced Jimin even more, and Jimin started to give in, given at how he looked at me.

"Can Taehyung stay then? Only until you come home," he asked, and I smiled in relief now that the omega agreed to stay at home, and there'd be someone I trust here to take care of him.

"Sure, and I'll be home early too,"

"No, don't leave everything to Hoseok hyung. You should focus on your guests too, they're important people for your project," he nagged cutely, and I just scrunched my nose and pulled him into a tighter hug since I couldn't argue, because what he said was true.

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