23. Tonight I'm Lovin You Too

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{rated m, college au, romcom}

Can we touch for a second?
Be us for a second?
Don't matter what I give it to,
My love looks better on you.

Chaeyoung slunk down in her chair and willed herself to disappear for the entire duration of the class. Mere moments ago, she was ecstatic to begin her final year of music studies, but now she was watching the clock. Waiting for it to end.

The rest of the students typed away on their keyboards and jotted notes down on pretty clipboards as their professors stood at the front of the class and introduced themselves. Most of them were familiar because they had worked for the college for multiple years. But the only new one – the one who stood out amongst the group with his young, sharp features, tall build, and unfairly handsome face, the one who everyone in the room couldn't help but gawk at with stars in their eyes – also happened to be the man Chaeyoung had slept with last night.

As Kim Taehyung stood in front of the class and began to speak in his deep, resonating voice, Chaeyoung tried to remain unaffected. She gathered every ounce of professionalism in her body and attempted to focus on what he was saying. To pretend they didn't know each other.

But it was hopeless.

When he spoke, his voice only reminded her of how it had sounded last night against her ear. When he glanced around the room, she remembered how deep those eyes had looked as they gazed into hers. And when he smiled, she couldn't help but recount the way those lips had felt pressed against her own.

So instead of paying attention, she slunk further and further down her chair until the tall student sitting in front of her completely blocked her off and she could no longer see the front of the lecture theatre. And there, low in her seat, was where she had glanced up at the roof and began to contemplate her entire existence.

Was this rock bottom? Her boyfriend of two years had cheated on her, she had sex with a professor, she had hardly glanced at any of her class schedules nor begun any of the assignments that were already piling up, and she was currently about to fall off of a damn lecture theatre seat.

And just when she thought things could not get any more humiliating for her, Professor Min began to list off the students each faculty member had been assigned to mentor.

"Park Chaeyoung!"

Chaeyoung practically jumped off her seat at the call of her name. Even though all the students' names were being called out in the same tone, Professor Min's loud voice was like a rude awakening to Chaeyoung who was busy counting the number of stains on the roof and thinking about how those stains symbolized her life.

She bolted upright and looked towards the front. Only to immediately lock eyes with Professor Kim's bright ones. She didn't miss the amusement in them before she tore her gaze away and waited for Professor Min to finish reading off his list.

"You will be mentored by Professor Kim."

Chaeyoung slunk down her seat again.

Of course, this had to happen. As if things were not complicated enough already. This was just perfect. Like a little cherry on top of an already tragic week.

When the class was finally over, Chaeyoung was the first one to rush out of there. She didn't even look up at Taehyung or greet any of her professors the way she normally would. Instead, she gathered all her belongings and practically ran out the doors. Straight towards the guidance counsellor's office.

"No, you don't understand," she argued with the receptionist at the front desk after being told to wait at the back of the line which had extended all the way down the hall and back towards the library. Apparently, Chaeyoung was not the only one who had issues with classes on the very first day of college. "I need to speak to Namjoon immediately. Tell him this is a matter of life or death. I will break down that door if I must—"

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