24. Bad Guys

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{rated m, bdsm, villians au}

So you're a tough guy, like it really rough guy,
Just can't get enough guy, chest always so puffed guy.
I'm the bad type,
make your mama sad type, make your girlfriend mad tight,
might seduce your dad type,
I'm the bad guy.


There weren't many things that brought Taehyung joy. But the one thing that came close was the rush he got when he did something he 'wasn't supposed to do'. He had a passion for breaking the rules. Any rule. Whether they were minor misdemeanors like speeding down a highway or more serious offences like coercion, arson, or even murder – it didn't matter, he had done it all.

Or at least, he had tried to do it all. Until another equally vicious, sadistic lunatic began to interfere with his agenda.

You see, being Korea's most notorious villain was hard work. It took dedication, careful planning, malicious intent, and it often went so far as stressing Taehyung out. But all of it was made even more difficult with someone like the despicable Park Chaeyoung vying for the same title.

Honestly, with all the good guys out there, it was hard enough trying to be a bad one. When he had begun building his villain reputation several years ago, he thought he could monopolize the area. But whenever he tried to do something bad, this other villain would try to outdo him. Every. Single. Damn. Time.

To enact his revenge, Taehyung had begun to interfere with all her evil plans too. When she plotted an assassination, Taehyung found out about it and protected her target. When he scheduled shipments of illegal weapons into his warehouse, she stole the truck and 'anonymously' dropped off the packages at the nearest police station. And this pattern just continued for several months. Thus, creating a vicious cycle of sabotage that really prevented either of them from ever achieving their goals.

But Taehyung was over it. It was fun to play around with her at first because he didn't take it too seriously. But now that he had lost millions in this futile battle and was no where near making a great name for himself in the criminal world, he decided it was time to settle this once and for all.

So, he scratched off all the crimes he had planned to commit that month from his list and instead replaced it with one, huge, imperative one: eliminating Park Chaeyoung.

It wasn't going to be an easy task. This woman was a lot of things, but the one thing she wasn't was predictable. Taehyung had never actually seen her face and he didn't know a lot about her. All his interactions with her had either been from far, far distances, where she hid in the shadows, or over the phone when she was cursing at him for foiling another one of her plans. The only reason he knew she was a woman was because of those much-anticipated, amusing phone calls. Always from anonymous numbers. Always at odd hours of the night. And always infused with raw, potent anger.

In his broad experience as a notorious criminal, Taehyung knew that one of the best weapons one could possess against their enemy was information. The only way to find Park Chaeyoung's weakness was to learn everything about her. Killing her was kind of like a test. Before he could actually go through with it, he needed to study all the information and then find the best, most effective method of achieving his goal.

That was why he was currently perched on the roof of her house. Watching, waiting, studying.

It was not easy to get there. Miss Park was just as elusive as he had anticipated. Just like Taehyung (and fifty percent of other hard villains, she worked alone. She didn't seem to have a lot of close companions who would sell her out for the right price. It had taken him months – and a lot of pocket change – to track down the right people to give him the intel he required. And now that he had finally found her witch lair in which she did her witch things, he felt inexplicably smug. As if she was, at last, within reach.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2021 ⏰

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