7. Happier

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{students/college au, angst}

Until then I'll smile to hide the truth,
But I know I was happier with you.

One month.

It took you only a month to find another man. A more deserving, honourable man. One who wouldn't hurt you like I did.

I watched you enter the bar, arm linked with his. He opened the door for you, and you rewarded him with a breathtaking smile as you stepped inside. Just before he followed you in, he said something that made you laugh, and my heart clenched at the sound.

One month.

It's been an entire month since I've seen your brown eyes and golden hair. Witnessed the bright smile spread across your face. Heard your laugh fill the air.

It would be useless to deny that I missed you. That I wished things were different. All I wanted was to be in your new man's shoes. To shower you with the love and affection you deserve. But, it's too late. You have moved on. You look happier. And all I can do is try to be happy for you too.

So, I stole one last glance in your direction, imprinting the image of your smile in my mind. Then, I turned around and walked away. Out of your life for good. Because you deserved better than what I could ever give you. And now that I knew you had it; I was content.

It was easy to ignore the hole in my chest when you looked so much happier now. For a moment, it made me feel less guilty. Like the pain I caused you had only led you to greater, better things. That you would be okay. Even if I was no longer the one by your side, you would always be taken care of. Loved.

But even though you had moved on, and I had already let you go, I wasn't quite ready to let go of our memories. I didn't know if I could ever give up those precious pieces of my heart.

So, one last time, I revisited each of them. One-by-one and like I had all the time in the world, I visited all the places that held our fondest memories.

As I walked through the familiar streets of your old neighbourhood, I passed by the park where I first saw you. Sitting on the swings with your headphones in and a content smile on your face. I was running late for my first day of college, and yet as soon as I saw you, I was stunned in place. Love at first sight was not a concept I believed in, but that day, when I first saw you, my entire world changed.

I couldn't help approaching you. Even as my phone buzzed with hundreds of messages from my friends demanding where I was, I took a seat on the swing next to you and asked what song you were listening to.

"It's actually a really old song. I don't think you'd know it."

"Try me."

With a deep sigh, you'd pulled the headphones out of the audio jack and raised the volume of your phone speakers. It looked like you were already annoyed with me, and for some reason that made me even more amused. I'd only spoken to you for 2 seconds and I already knew that you were easily irritated. I was interested to know what else I would find out about you.

As soon as I heard the Beatles' song 'Let it Be' blast through your speakers, I released a mildly astonished laugh. Good taste in music? Check.

"This is actually my favourite song," I had said with complete honesty.

You gave me a disbelieving look. "You're just saying that to charm me into going out with you."

I laughed again. "I'm guessing men hit on you on a regular basis for you to make that assumption. Sorry to disappoint but, I'm just asking about your music taste. No one mentioned going out with anyone."

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