13. Kill This Love

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{immortal au, action, marriage, slight angst}

Lucky me, lucky you,
After all, in we the end, we lie
So what,
So what.


"So, what was her weapon of choice this time? Knife? Carbon monoxide?" Taehyung's best friend, Jimin, asked. He even took a moment to release a dramatic gasp. "A gun?"

They were at their favourite bar, drinking fancy cocktails in their post-work business attires, and discussing the topic Taehyung loved the most: his wife.

Taehyung tried to flash a carefree smile, but its brightness was dimmed by the pain triggered by the memory of last night's events. "Strangulation."

"No! You're kidding! She's getting too brave."

Truer words had never been spoken.

Taehyung's wife was one of the bravest people he had ever met. She was equally smart as she was beautiful. Skilled at everything from cooking homemade meals to receiving well-earned promotions at work. She was sweet and loving, funny and well-spoken. A personality one could not help but fall in love with. A slender body that fit perfectly in his hands. A face that brightened his entire world with a single smile.

But she was also cold and deceitful when she wanted to be. She hid things from Taehyung and harboured dangerous secrets. Equally skilled at operating guns as she was at chopping vegetables. She used her body and her charms to strip him of all self control. She had no problem exposing his vulnerabilities, because her razor-sharp focus was set on one task and one task only: killing him.

She thought Taehyung had no idea, but the truth was, he knew exactly what she was doing the first time they met. The first time she tried to kill him.

Paris 2018. Taehyung had just finished closing a huge business deal and had been invited to a masquerade ball. She was one of the performers that night. Dressed in a gold, satin gown and playing a traditional Korean folk song with a harp in her hands, she was hard to miss. In fact, it was as if her whole performance had been tailored to his taste. The ultimate thirst trap.

And even though Taehyung knew something was off, he could not help but approach her immediately after her performance. They found a hidden staircase in one quiet corner of the Parisian mansion the party was being hosted in and began talking (flirting) for hours. Taehyung could not remember the last time he had laughed that much. He was absolutely smitten with the glimmer in her eyes, the soft yet sultry sound of her laugh. The more he learned the deeper he wanted to dive – even if it would drown him. Even if it would kill him.

As lost as he was in her, however, his sharp senses were perfectly aware of how she would top up his glass of wine every few moments. The way her gaze would scan his body from head to toe for signs of ensuing death. He could smell the poison from miles away and yet he allowed her to pour endlessly until the whole bottle was gone. He also saw her discreetly wave off another suspicious man in the corner of the room midway through their conversation. And the small, camouflaged microphone sewn into the neckline of her dress? He had seen that all the way from across the room. And yet, he continued to converse with her.

He just could not help it. She was his kryptonite.

When Taehyung returned to Korea, he used every connection he had to discover her identity. Even with his wealth and access to confidential resources, she was virtually non-existent in any governmental database. No social media, no occupation information, no known family members. It took months for Taehyung's people to find anything remotely helpful.

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