X ~ Alex

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Disclaimer: all characters apart from Peyton and Alex belong to James Dashner.
This chapter is dedicated to @Millie10Lina for being the first to read, comment, and vote on every chapter. Sorry for the holdup.

To our wonderful readers:
Sorry about that last cliff-hanger.
Well, no, not really. HAHAHAHA.
But seriously, we love you guys.
(Whoever understands this is truly worthy.)

Alex was severely sleep-deprived from all those horrible flashbacks she had been getting that she wasn't sure she'd heard Sonya correctly.

"What?" Aris asked.

"Newt is my brother."

Harriet sighed. "Son, we've been over this-"

"Harriet, I know what I bloody saw." Sonya's tone became harsh. "This necklace-" She took out her golden butterfly necklace "-was given to me by Newt."

"How do you know?" Alex didn't want to believe this.

"I saw. I got some memories back. Before WICKED took us, my name was Lizzie and Newt's... I can't remember what it was. But I know that it wasn't Newt."

"Sonya, slow down," Harriet said urgently. "I've told you before, we're probably never going to find your brother. We're not even a hundred percent sure you have a brother."

"But I do!" Sonya shifted on the bed. "In both mazes, each of us has an equivalent that's the opposite gender. Alby's Harriet's equivalent, Beth was Gally's equivalent, and I think Chuck's Peyton's equivalent. Just like me, Newt's the only one with an accent and he's second-in-command. We're not only similar because we're each other's equivalents, but because we're bloody siblings!"

Everyone was silent.

Newt was the first to do something. Without saying anything, he pushed past the confused crowd of Gladers and left the room. Alby went after him. Alex closed the door in the Galders' faces and turned to the Icers.

Sonya sighed. "Look, guys-"

"Wait, before we start, why didn't either of you say anything about Sonya having a brother?" Aris asked. Then he turned to Alex. "Did you know?"

"No," she said.

"We can explain-" Harriet began. Sonya cut her off.

"A little before Aris came to the Spring, I got these... memories. I didn't know what to do, so I told Harriet. She told me not to say anything because these memories might not even be real. When Aris came, I obviously thought that he was my brother, but Harriet kept denying it. Eventually, I gave up on believing he was my brother, which was around the time Ximena died and I became second-in-command, so I was able to keep my mind off it. Then we come here, a place full of only boys. It becomes clear that our similar stories aren't coincidences, and Newt's obviously my bloody equivalent. I get stung, go through... whatever it is, and get some memories back while in a coma. Don't believe me if you don't want to, but I'm telling the bloody truth."

Alex wanted to believe her. But if Harriet and Sonya had been keeping this a secret for so long, what else could they be hiding?

"Any more secrets you'd like to tell us about?" she asked, her voice laced with anger. Harriet looked at her in disbelief and scoffed.

"Look, we wanted to tell you, but it didn't seem relevant," she shot back.

"'Didn't seem relevant'?" Alex yelled. "You find out Sonya has a brother, and you don't consider that relevant?!"

"We didn't need something else to worry about, Lexi!" Harriet shouted. "We didn't tell you guys to keep us focused."

"We all know we could stay focused if you didn't keep secrets from us." With that, Alex stormed out of the room angrily.

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