Challenge Accepted

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I sat at my desk in Ms. Drake's class pretending to listen to the lesson when the screen on my monitor turned on and a white box appeared in the corner. I clicked it and it read," Hello. I need to talk with you." I looked around to try and find who sent the message.  'When did I learn to read this?' I thought.

Another text box popped up, "Stop trying to look for me. You're wasting your time."

"What do you want?" I typed back.  This was weird to me.

"I just want to talk after class behind the Grounds Keeper's building."

"This seems terribly suspicious." I replied.

"I promise you that I do not plan on causing you any harm. I always honor my word."

"Alright." I wasn't completely comfortable with this, but my curiosity would tear me apart if I didn't check it out. I closed the window and turned off the screen. I regained focus and saw that class was already over. Everyone was walking out of class. "Where is everyone going?"

"Free period. Do whatever you want." Seraph stated before exiting the room. I guess I was supposed to meet this person at the Grounds Keeper's building. After a few minutes of wandering around aimlessly, I located the rendezvous point. I waited in the back for a few minutes. Just when I felt that I was wasting my time, "Thank you for coming."

I turned around and saw a face that I recognized as Clare Munois followed by that same drone she had in the hospital. "Why do you want to talk to me?" I asked.

"I never got to finish my interview in the hospital."

"Well what do you want to ask?"

"What exactly is your ability?"

"Electromagnetism I think.  I still haven't gotten the hang of it just yet."

"What is it like to be in a rookie starting at the same level as some of the best students in the academy?  It must be an overwhelming experience for you." She asked.

"I haven't really thought about it. I don't think I'm as skilled as most of the people here." I replied modestly. I started to feel uneasy and looked around.

"Is something wrong?" She asked

"No. I'm good."

"So, what is it like being a Third Gen Mors Miles?" she asked

"What is that? I've never heard of that name since I've been here." I said with intrigue.

"Well you're one of them. The Mors Miles are made up of the strongest and most skilled soldiers. It takes years of dedication and hard work, yet you got in so easily. There must be something special about you that you're not telling anyone." she stated suspiciously.

"I'm not hiding anything. I swear. If I knew I would tell you." I said.

I heard a deep ringing tone like a bell echoing through the campus. I said goodbye and started finding my way back to class. I was walking through the labyrinth of hallways when I started to get an uneasy feeling again. Students were becoming scarce in the hallways until it was completely empty. I looked out the windows to my left and saw absolutely no one.

'Everyone must be in class.' I thought.

Then as I came around a corner there was a rapid thumping sound of boots coming from my right. I saw someone in black combat fatigues charging in my direction. His white hair was short and spiky. I could see the aggressiveness in his blood orange eyes. Before I even realized it he grabbed me and we were through a window.

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