How It All Started (Part 1)

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        Since Novians are similar to humans in many ways, they also carry many bad traits that we have such as greed and envy.  These traits are what destroyed a prosperous and powerful union of territories on Novia.  Before the war started, Novians lived in a golden age of peace.  There were little to no major problems socially or politically.  The ones that did spawn were dealt with efficiently and with little bloodshed or collateral damage.  The government was structured like a more impartial feudal monarchy mixed with a little representative democracy.  There was a queen or king that ruled with a group of officials that the citizens elected.  The king or queen wouldn't be capable of ruling an entire planet on their own, so they would chose officials that she trusted ,along with the opinion of their council and the citizens, to rule territories around the planet called Luminaries.  They had to go through the ruler before enacting any laws or things of that nature.

        The thing about Novia is that ,unlike Earth, it was placed in the sweet spot of the universe that was perfect for life to sprout anywhere.  The region of the universe in which they inhabit contains hundreds upon thousands of planets with life.  They were on good terms with the surrounding planets which had equal levels of intelligence.  They settled disputes in a court similar to the United Nations.  Even though Novia had a powerful military and enough firepower to easily win any conflict.

        Now the conflict wasn't started by a different species on a different planet, but from within.  Greedy and power hungry people slipped through the cracks in the election process and started abusing power.  They worked with crime syndicates, oppressed citizens, raised taxes, and just about anything else you would expect an acquisitive person in power to do.  All of this was being done right under the nose of the current queen.  The catalyst for the war itself was not the power hungry Luminaries, but one single person.

        That person wanted money, they wanted power, they wanted resources, but above all else they had an unnatural attraction to violence and bloodshed.  They didn't care about the means by which the conflict started, the cost, the casualties.  They didn't even really care which side won.  They would do anything just to see a fight.  They got into the minds of the already crooked Luminaries and molded their minds and souls to believe that they wanted what she wanted.


Author's Note: The chapters are short right now for the origins, but once the main story starts i will try to produce longer chapters.

Thanks For Reading.

-Sincerely Yours,

Mr. Helix

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