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For decades, man has tried to find life on other planets, but has never succeeded. Some think we are all alone while others are still search. This is the story of a boy became an integral part in ending a planet wide civil war.

This planet is called Novia. Novia is like earth's older sibling. It is double the size of Earth; it has seven moons, and is the fifth planet from its star. It is also neighbored by seven inhabited planets with different species. The inhabitants are more technologicaly advanced by about a century or two. Males consist of only 40% of the population on the planet and slowly decreasing but they have started producing offspring in labs to keep the race from dying out. But males are still hard to produce in a lab

. They are almost exactly similar to humans, except for a few slight genetic differences in eye color, hair color, the position of internal organs, etc.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Author's Note:

Thanks For Reading

Any constructive criticism would be appreciated and please tell your friends about this story. The first chapter probably isn't that interesting but it gets better. I just wanted to give a little basic info.

-Sincerely Yours,

Mr. Helix

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