Welcome to the Team Rookie!

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After about ten minutes of silence, we were nearing the giant and mysterious rock that loomed in the sky for so long. I never dreamed that I would be the first person to go to this planet. While I lived at the shelter, I heard rumors about a possible manned mission to the planet. It didn't seem like an idea that was close to reality since the planet is estimated to be about the same distance as Mars. It seemed like a bad idea with our current levels of technology. But these people seemed to make the distance in a few minutes.

I didn't even notice that we entered the atmosphere because the ride was so smooth. It was a lot smoother than most plane rides. I peeped out the window to see a bustling metropolis. If Tokyo, Singapore, Seoul, New York, San Francisco, and Hong Kong somehow had a baby, and that baby got a ton of upgrades. The ship landed near a large college like set of buildings. The property was busy with people walking all around. Seraph broke me out of my state of observation , "Come on, let's go."

I was escorted off of the landing pad and towards the large buildings. On closer inspection, I saw that the people were students. They were all about my age and wearing private school uniforms. The boys had on forest green blazers with three silver buttons on the wrists and two buttons to close it and black trim on the collar. They wore black slacks and black dress shoes. They wore white dress shirts with black ties. The girls had similar blazers and shirts, but instead with black skirts and black cross ties. They all had pentagon badges on their arms.

You'd think that this would be weird to them, but they just gave slight glances and went about their business. The school looked like a true college with large cement and brick buildings with up to ten stories. They looked pretty normal until we went through what I assumed was security. After all the scanning and checking, we got into an elevator and headed to the tenth floor. It was pretty awkward, for me at least. I cleared my throat and everyone looked back at me. I just gave them the,'What did I do?' look. After that, we reached the top floor and exited. We went down a long hallway and at the end, Seraph opened the door.

She moved in and Zeal nudged me into the office. Two women were talking at a desk until we came in. The first woman had long purple hair, red eyes, and she was wearing a lab coat over a pantsuit with stockings. She gave me a warm smile. The second one looked more militaristic in a dark green pantsuit decorated in badges and medals. She gave me a cold and indifferent look. They seemed to be in their early thirties.

The purple haired woman stood up and walked in my direction. The four soldiers straightened their posture and got in line. She seems to be the director that Seraph mentioned on the ship. I could sense the power and authority radiating off of her. "Welcome David, how are you?"

"As good as I could be in a situation like this." I said.

She looked away from me and directed her gaze to the soldiers with a more serious expression, "Where's the other child?" The soldiers shared a disappointed look, "We lost her on the way here." Seraph informed while avoiding the Director's glare.

"You're dismissed." she stated to the soldiers. They all said yes mam and left the room. She looked back at me with a comforting smile, "I wish we could've met under better circumstances. I sympathize with you because I have have lost many loved ones due to this conflict as well."

I said nothing, I had nothing to say, there was too much to take in. Then she looked as she realized that she made a mistake. "Oh, I truly apologize. You must be terribly confused. You deserve an explanation. First off, I'm Aona Doruma and this woman over here is General Whitna Jordan.", she said while pointing at the white haired woman. "We need your help to win this war and save both of our home planets."

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