~ 𝗳𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻 ~

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My eyes shot open I couldn't even remember falling asleep, I could only remember the talk with Jeongin. For some reason I was still laying  sidewards on the sofa, wrapped in some blanket.

"You slept on the sofa?" I heard a voice and I looked up into Felix's precious eyes.

"Oh uhm... yeah hehe."

Now I sat up he walked back out the living room soon returning with a glass of water.
"Here, you must be thirsty."

"Thank you." I took it off him quickly drinking it, he was right.

Now Mingi entered and the room was slowly getting crowded.
"You slept on the sofa?"
I sighed as Mingi had asked the exact words Felix had asked earlier.

"Yeah? Is that a problem?"

"No... just- wasn't it uncomfortable."

"Honestly, I was that tired I didn't even notice."

"Did something happen last night?" Felix this time asked as I looked between both men eyeing me down causing me to sweat a little.


Suddenly Jeongin entered somehow at the precise moment as he smiled at the two guys. He then walked over to me taking back the blanket.
"Did you sleep well?" His tone was spitefully too happy. I guess he was really going with this deal. I had to just go along with him right? 

"Uhm yeah I guess." I forced a smile and I stood up now when I felt a hand grasp onto mine causing me to stop immediately.

"Me and Y/n had a deep talk down here last night." Jeongin suddenly said turning me around to face Mingi and Felix and my head was just looking down but he nudged me to make it believable.

"Oh yeah-"

"Wait... you guys? Are together?"

Felix looked at our hands and then back at our faces and I really didn't want to go along with it at that moment.
"Well actually-" I started but Jeongin quickly talked over me.
"Yeah... from last night."

"Oh wow." Felix didn't say much which really pained me.

My eyes shot up to Mingi but quickly looked back down.
"Y/n are you afraid of me being angry again? Because if that's why you look so bad, don't worry. In fact this is great news."

In a way I wanted my brother to be angry to give me more reason to stop this stupid deal. Why would anyone ask me to do something at 3am in the morning of course I would make stupid decisions like agreeing.

"What's going on?" Chaeyoung walked in and Felix smiled at her.

"Oh er Jeongin and Y/n are together now."

"What?!" Chaeyoung was obviously shocked because of the fact I had told her I would never get with Jeongin only last night.


"It all happened last night." Jeongin reassured Chaeyoung and she looked back at my brother.

"I guess we got a boyfriend at the same time... although I always thought you would get with my brother."

"You're dating Mingi?? And oh... right."

"Also- since last night."

✔︎ ︎𝗯𝘂𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗯𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗲𝘀 | Y.JIWhere stories live. Discover now