~ 𝘀𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻 ~

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No one knew what to say and I was still just death staring Jeongin. His eyes fixed on mine as now Mingi was stood there in shock and also slight anger.
"Y/n, can we talk?" Felix called pulling me finally back to reality.
Jeongin looked around and saw the teacher just standing at the front of the room clearly unsure of what to do.

Gosh.. I didn't think this through did i. What was Felix going to say. He took me outside the classroom and into the corridor.

"Care to explain what that was about?" His eyes looked angry and begging so I sighed

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"Care to explain what that was about?" His eyes looked angry and begging so I sighed. He cared about me genuinely. I couldn't lie to Felix. I wouldn't do that to him because, it will always hurt someone when they eventually find out the truth.
My finger went to my lips as I looked around.
"This is my way of getting back at Jeongin, you have to trust me on this."

"So you guys haven't done anything together?"

As I shook my head I heard his held in breath quickly come out.
"You really scared me back there it seemed so believable."

"Just... don't tell anyone the truth. It would ruin everything."

"What about your brother?" He asked me and I also shook my head.
"Let him think we did something, I can cope with him being mad at me for a while."

"Okay, so it will just be me and you that know?"

"Yeah, this way you can even help me.... you used to be friends with Jeongin right? Back in highschool."

"Yeah that's right, he was our best friend, of course, he was the youngest out of all of us though."

"What happened though? Because the way you guys fought the other day seemed so serious."

"You ask me like I know the answer." He laughed a bit but then that sad expression fell upon his face.

"He used to be so happy and cheerful, and he wouldn't even hurt a fly. But... he just changed. Overnight. It's weird."

"Maybe... maybe something traumatic happened to him."

"Maybe." He shrugged sighing. "Who knows, anyways you're going to have to get back in that classroom and calm down Mingi. I have a strong feeling Mingi isn't the calmest right now."

My eyes briefly widened as I remembered what Mingi was doing before.
"Right. I almost forgot"

Seeing Felix's smile once more I quickly ran out the corridor and back into the classroom.
Mingi was now holding Jeongin by his shirt.

I watched as Jeongin kicked out and hit Mingi around the face.
This was when the teacher rushed into the middle of them restraining Jeongin who had suddenly turned like a wild animal.

"You two.. out of my classroom right now. I am disgusted." The teachers newfound loud voice shouted out.
Jeongin threw the teacher off him and headed straight out the door.
Mingi went to follow just after giving me a disappointed look.

✔︎ ︎𝗯𝘂𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗯𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗲𝘀 | Y.JIWhere stories live. Discover now