~ 𝗳𝗶𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻 ~

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Jeongin's grip hadn't let go of my wrist so I had just sat down by the sofa closing my eyes myself. Sometimes I just wanted time to pause, that date was going to be the worst.

"What are you doing still in here?"

"Oh he fell asleep... I didn't want to wake him by moving my arm." I pointed to his strong grip around my wrist and my brother sighed.

"He won't wake up, don't worry. I've just got back from dropping Minho, Felix and Chaeyoung off."

"Oh right... I have to go clean the mattresses."
Carefully I slid my arm gently through Jeongin's hand and pulled it off me putting it inside his blanket.

"See, told you. He didn't wake up." Mingi hummed.

"Says who?" A groan came and my head shot back down.

"Agh I'm sorry." I muttered and he slowly raised his body to sit up on the sofa. His eyes looked soft still since he had only just awoke he must be still tired.

"I was actually awake for a while." He laughed. "It was fun hearing you be so careful with your arm."

"Yah!" I went to hit him when I stopped myself remembering Mingi's presence.

"So is Jeongin staying another night? In your room?" Mingi asked too cheerfully.

"Am I your younger sister or your friend?" I scoffed, starting to stand up as Mingi just shrugged.

"Only a suggestion."

"Jeongin, you can go home now, thanks." I quickly called. Jeongin looked back at my brother as I watched his smile move into a smirk.

"Don't even think about it." I muttered under my breath.

"I'll stay one more night Mingi. It does sound like fun."

"See, it was a good idea after all."

My wrist was grabbed as Jeongin dragged me out the room moving quickly upstairs. Mingi had gone into the kitchen leaving me a little helpless.

"Yah, let go of my wrist." I tugged on it until It came free and saw we were in the upstairs hallway now.

"I'm done with this stupid deal." I almost laughed as I said that. "Why did 3am me accept to date you for a week."

"That's a good question Y/n." He leaned into my face a little. "Why did you?"

"Stop looking at me like that

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"Stop looking at me like that." I muttered a little shyer and I looked down.

"Hmm? Like what?" He played with his words touching my chin slightly making me look straight back up again.

"I hate you." I muttered again and his other hand landed on the wall beside me.

"I hate you too." He aggressively whispered back as our eyes locked both moving down. His lips were staring at me as my hand started to move behind his back.
"I hate that you made me love you." I finally admitted in a helpless whisper as my lips pushed onto his for another time this time with more meaning. My tongue immediately found his braces again as they grazed gently against them while he had pressed me to the wall.

"Which door is your bedroom." His voice was by my ear as he returned to kissing my jaw again then back to my lips. Then I took control pushing him back towards my door down the corridor quickly shutting the door after me. Jeongin slowly looked down at me as he was a little distance from me again. The room was almost pitch black but I saw his fingers wrap around the edges of his jacket. Following his lead I took my jumper off leaving just my top on.

"Jeongin..." I muttered, the situation I was in hitting me. Was I okay with this?

"Mmm?" He looked me back in the eyes with that look as he started undoing the buttons of his jumper showing the skin I was waiting to see. My hands moved to him as I gently pushed him back onto my own bed climbing on top.
"Does this mean the deal is off?" He smirked taking his last chances to talk.

"Nah, the deal is still on. But I'm changing the rules of who is in charge. Instead of it being if I fall for you, I'm going to change it to if you, the bully falls for me."

Jeongin stayed smiling looking in my eyes for a moment.
"I'm done with all these deals Y/n." He took me off guard for a minute and I stayed briefly leaning over him.

"Who are we both fooling? Isn't our feelings plainly obvious." He continued, his arms wrapping behind my back.

"Now what are you waiting for?" He lingered the end syllable and I finished staring into his eyes.

"Do you have protection."

"Of course~"
My arm slapped him gently, you had that just in case?" 

He shrugged and I took it as the signal so push my hands onto his body leaving my kisses over his chest.

A/n: my books are staying Pg!! Lmao 😩 sorry guys~ you guys can imagine it yourselves if you want.

I woke up and the warm sensation had disappeared almost making me whimper. As I moved I felt the immense pain below me and I stayed still laying in bed again. Thank goodness it was Sunday today. How was I even meant to get downstairs without causing too much pain for myself.


Mingi walked through my door seeing me wrapped up in my covers.
"Jeongin went home he told me to check on you when you woke up. "

"Oh... why did he go home?"

"Don't you guys have the date later, he didn't even have any spare clothes here."

My body sat up suddenly gripping to the covers.
"The date, I'm not even ready myself."

A/n: *hides herself* anyways! Uhm here is chapter 15 ig! Don't worry this isn't rushing the storyline because I have it all planned~

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A/n: *hides herself* anyways! Uhm here is chapter 15 ig! Don't worry this isn't rushing the storyline because I have it all planned~

✔︎ ︎𝗯𝘂𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗯𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗲𝘀 | Y.JIWhere stories live. Discover now