~ 𝘁𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆 𝘀𝗶𝘅 ~

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Pulling up at the theme park was a magical experience in itself. The lights were bouncing off objects and the atmosphere made it too appealing.

"Come on." I smiled pulling Jeongin gently with me and pointed to the different rides we could choose from. His hair was fluffy now the wind had blown through it and his eyes shone like little gems. I'm so glad things turned out the way they did.

"Do you ever get motion sickness?" I asked and he shook his head.
"My parents always thought I was going to be car sick because my sister was all the time. But I think I'm immune to feeling sick from things like that."

"Phew I'm so glad. Nothing is worse than getting sick on rides. I feel so sorry for anyone who does."

"Is that ride fun?" His wide smile shone to me as he pointed to the huge rollercoaster that I'd only ever been on once.

When I nodded it was his turn to pull me gently to get in the queue before it got too full.
"I never asked you this but, how come your parents always argued?" Jeongin asked me now and it took me a while to process the randomness of his deep question.

"Looking back, it was all because of money. My father wanted more of it and my mother couldn't stand to see him like it. Yet they're somehow still together and even away on a work trip. It confuses me sometimes. They don't get on well at all."

"That sucks. I hope for your sake that when they come back, they've made up."

"I can hope."

His hand touched mine which I quickly tingled not expecting it but he moved his fingers to interlock with mine and we looked into each others eyes for a moment.

"Jeongin did you know that you have gorgeous eyes." I whispered and they curled up making them even prettier. "Well did you know you have beautiful lips?" He asked me giving me a soft kiss as our hands stayed interlocked. I blushed as he finally came away from my face. "They feel just as nice as they look too." He added in an even quieter whisper and he moved up in the queue quickly before I could say anything.

We soon made it to the end of the queue and we managed to sit together on one of the rows of seats. Now we were this close my stomach had immense butterflies, even though I'd been on here before. Jeongin didn't let go of my hand and I could tell he was a little anxious too.

"This is going to be amazing." I giggled and he nodded smiling.

The green light flashed and the rollercoaster sped off around the track. At every loop we screamed together in sync holding on to each other as if we were going to die. We laughed though our screams and was happy that this day was time just for us.

It came to a slow stop and I took a deep breath before looking at Jeongin. His hair was all sticking up and it made me giggle cutely at him.
"Let me fix your hair." I said as we moved out of the seats and were standing back on the ground.
My warm hands pushed through his brown soft stands of hair as I gently pushed it to stay down. At the same time though, I was just using it as an excuse to touch his hair, I'd wanted to do it for so long.

"Do you like candyfloss/cottoncandy?" I asked him and he nodded quickly. "They sell that stuff here?"

"Yeah! And it's usually really good too."

"Okay we're definitely getting some of that later."

I agreed and we walked a bit further into the theme park when Jeongin saw a ride mainly made for younger children.

"Hold my bag, I have to go on that at least once as I never got to as a kid." My face lit up immediately smiling at Jeongin running up to the short queue as he waved to me.

To my surprise he fit on it well and he looked the happiest I'd ever seen him. Taking my phone out I took some photos to keep for myself.

"Are you having fun

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"Are you having fun." I shouted when he was nearer me.

"Yes." He called. "Next time I want you to come on this."

It stopped and he quickly went up to the man controlling the ride and I saw him ask something. Soon I could tell Jeongin was happy with his response and he came back to me giggling.
"He's allowing you to sit on the same horse as me."

"No way." Now I was feeling a little excited and I got on allowing Jeongin to get on behind me as I sat between his two legs. He wrapped his arms around me so that he could keep hold of the pole in front of us so I put my hands on top of his to hold the pole with him.

It was the best thing I'd ever done and we kept turning to one another smiling while we kept going round and round. "I really like you Jeongin." I said while we were going around. "I really like you too." I felt him kiss the back of my head as we were still going around and then it finally came to a stop.

After we had been on a few more rides we finally stopped off to get candyfloss/cottoncandy.
"This is so good."

"Thanks for taking me here, the last time I went was probably when I was young with my parents and Mingi." I said while eating mine at the same time.

"The days still early yet, I'm going to take you to my favourite restaurant." He replied which made me imagine different places trying to think what his style would be.

Taking in the scenery at the same time, we walked back up to the entrance waving goodbye to the fun we'd just had. When we reached Jeongin's car he sat down in the drivers seat as he sighed out.
"That hill is so steep."

It had taken the breath out of me too as I quickly agreed. "Let's just have a 5 minute rest." I suggested and so we laid there with our eyes closed but peacefully together.

✔︎ ︎𝗯𝘂𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗯𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗲𝘀 | Y.JIWhere stories live. Discover now