~ 𝘁𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆 𝗳𝗶𝘃𝗲 ~

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A/n: you will most likely have to reread a lot of this book for this to be remembered (im so sorry for uploading so late)

I sat myself down on Felix's comfortable leather sofa as I watched the other two stumble around the room looking for things. Gentle sunlight was peering through the tall window to the right of me, resting on the side of my cheek. Although Jeongin said it was going to be cold it was seemingly quite warm.

"Have you seen my laptop?" Felix called to us which disturbed my peaceful rest. My eyes looked briefly around as I saw Jeongin do the same.

"No, but could it be in your room?"

"Hmm maybe I'll go check." Felix was off again and I smiled shyly at Jeongin as he took a seat right next to me, his thigh electrifying mine as it brushed against it.

"What do you say we go on a date tonight, just me and you."

My head shot to look at him as a smile was already creeping onto my lips. This was really happening, he wasn't messing me about.

"I've been waiting for you to ask."

He moved his head closer as he gave me a short but warm kiss.

"So did Y/n get back safely last night when you took off with her?" Felix now called from the stairs as he walked in.

"Yeah, no need to worry. I took care of her."

"Don't make it happen again. She could have been seriously injured."

"Trust me, I know." Jeongin muttered seemingly angry at the situation being brought up again. If anything had happened to me I know he wouldn't be able to forgive him himself like he can't with losing his sister.

"So we just need to rehearse this song one more time right?" I quickly changed the subject, getting Felix to finally sit down on the other sofa.

"That's right yeah."

He had his laptop now on his lap as he pulled up the backing music for us.
"My head hurts far too much to be doing this right now." Felix muttered but he pressed play anyways allowing us to continue. We each sung our parts, finding myself savouring Jeongin's voice a little too much. It was so soft and unique which I'd have never expected from him. With Felix's amazing voice too we would surely win this even if I dragged us down a little.

"That actually went pretty well." Felix found himself saying once the song came to an end. "Is that all we're doing?"

I nodded, "it's a simple song and I think we've got it perfect. Just have to perform it on Monday, you have to turn up though this time Felix."

He laughed a little as he reassured me.
"Of course, I won't be on the alcohol the night before so i'll be fine."

"That's good then." I smiled feeling a little more confident for this song than before. Now I had made up with Jeongin too, everything was going to be okay.

"Y/n, let's let Felix get his hangover slept off, just the light is probably hurting him."

"Mmm good point, we'll see you on Monday Felix?" I called over to him as he gave us a thumbs up while he was pushing a pillow into his face. Me and Jeongin shared a smile with each other and he followed after me as I started to exit out of the door.

"What a beautiful day." He smiled while now taking off his jacket and tying it around his waist. He moved over to the side of the road where there was a metal fencing and a view that could see the entirety of the city.

"It's surprisingly warm for autumn." I added and came to stand next to him, momentarily admiring the sights.

He turned his head and I could feel his stare on me as I slowly returned his gaze causing me to blush.

"What is it?"

"Nothing, I'm just, grateful."

"Grateful that I didn't hate you?"

He nodded looking back to the city again. We watched as the traffic moved on by and as people went by their unique lives. "You could have never spoken to me again theoretically. I'm such a jerk."

"Stop it, just move on. Fresh start, we're pretending none of it happened."

Jeongin was nodding but he turned to me again taking hold of my wrist gently pulling me a little closer. "Well... not all of it." He gave me his intended smile which I could tell was cheeky.

"Where did you want to go for the date this evening?" I asked him and he paused to think momentarily.

"Theme park or restaurant, what do you fancy?"

I smiled at the range of choices. "Why can't we do both?" I smiled innocently flashing his eyes at him. "I love theme parks but I love a nice restaurant too."

"Hmm, okay, both it is, good job we're starting early." His eyes curled up as he smiled which made my lips also curl up.

"Do you want to know something?" He whispered now as he cutely grabbed my hand pulling me along with him towards his car.

"Mmm i do" I playfully responded.

"I've never been to a theme park."

My mouth opened and I dramatically put my hands to my mouth. "You've never been like ever?"

"Nope. I just heard girls love going there with their boyfriends."

"This is going to be the funnest day ever I promise. I have so much to show you I don't even think this time is enough."

His face lit up at my enthusiasm and he unlocked the car so that I could get in the passenger seat.
"Just let me know if you need to sit down at all during the day, I'll completely understand."

"You're really sweet Jeongin. Please don't put that cold act on anymore to anybody. The real Jeongin is so much nicer."

Before I knew it he closed the close gap that I didn't realise was already small and his lips surrounded mine completely. Everything was perfect again.

A/n: this is like a systematic end of chapter apology, so again I am really sorry everyone but thank you for being so patient with me 😭🫶🏼 but another chapter!!

✔︎ ︎𝗯𝘂𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗯𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗲𝘀 | Y.JIWhere stories live. Discover now