~ 𝘁𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆 𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗲 ~

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Hyunjin composed himself as he stared Jeongin down.

"You didn't seem so bothered just a few days ago." Hyunjin remarked. "Besides, I didn't know she was yours, but I do now so I'll stay well clear."

He made sure to bash Jeongin's shoulder with his own as he passed him and clutched his bag tighter as he disappeared into the main college building.

"So it was Hyunjin who Mina cheated with."

Jeongin hadn't turned to face me yet but he was looking down at the ground below.

"Did you guys do anything at that party? I should have stopped my cold act right there." He asked me almost muttering and he finally turned around to face me.

"No, he was practically annoying me the whole time, he spilt his drink on me so I poured one on him too." Once I'd said that I just started laughing in the middle of the college grounds.
"We poured our drinks on each other. What a party." I kept laughing and finally I saw Jeongin trying to stop himself from smiling.

"Maybe I should have more confidence in you." He finally laughed now and took my hand in his again as we headed towards music.

"Let's just get this exam done with."


Felix was sitting down at a table staring down at sheets of paper.

"Thank goodness, we all made it." Felix said pointing for us to sit down next to him.

Our teacher soon walked in holding some microphone equipment and he started to set them up so that they were linked with the computer. He asked a couple of girls to go first who looked extremely nervous. I tried not to stare them down but gave them a little smile which I got some response back.

"Okay girls when you're ready."
The teacher sat back now in the audience like us but he was holding a pen and paper as if to mark them. This was very nerve-wracking.

Their voices were soft and pretty, which I found myself losing myself in their song forgetting that it would be our turn soon. Overall I thought that they did a really good job and I wished that I knew the exact things our teacher was looking for.

Mingi and his partner went after them and I tried my best not to put Mingi off his singing. I'd never heard my brother sing before until now, it was something very unique.

"Felix, Jeongin and Y/n, our trio." My heart pulsed and Jeongin and Felix smiled at me and I smiled back at them.

"Good luck." I whispered and we all stood at the front holding a mic each.

Felix started the song so that it would play through the classroom's speakers and we started to sing it. To stop my nerves, my eyes found there way to the back of the classroom where I could focus out of the room pretending there were no students there.

Claps erupted from the room as we finished and my cheeks heated up as I quickly got back to my seat. Thank goodness that was over. Felix and Jeongin both had such gorgeous voices, I felt that they really carried me in that song.

"We'll have to sing a private duo one time." Jeongin whispered right next to my ear and the idea excited me.
"I'd love to."

The remaining pairs had their turn and when I glanced at the teacher he had a wide smile as if he was very pleased with them all.

"I'll be sending out grades online later this week, so look out for them. Class dismissed!"

Finally, that morning had been a long morning and I was very excited to get lunch.


The canteen was full with life today and I saw many faces which I wanted to try and avoid. Hyunjin I noticed was sitting at the back next to Changbin and Minho. Minho was friends with them too then.

"Do you like this?"
Jeongin pointed to some food in front of us and I nodded excitedly.
"I didn't see that there."

Once we had bought our lunch we came to sit by Chaeyoung and Felix. Mingi had gone home early to most likely attempt to find dad again.

"Y/n can I stay at your place tonight?" Jeongin caught me off guard and I looked up to him thinking about it.

"I'll ask Mingi."


We finished up and I walked home with Jeongin next to me even though I hadn't asked Mingi yet. He seemed to be determined to stay tonight. My phone buzzed and when I checked it I saw a notification from Mingi.

"He's found our dad." I said randomly out loud and Jeongin squeezed my hand gently.

"That's amazing news, will be be coming back today?"

"No Mingi said he's going to stay at the hotel with him to talk everything through, he's really strong."

"At least things may become a little more normal for you."

It was a nice walk back to my house and I unlocked the door smelling the aroma of home again. I took my jacket off and turned to get Jeongin's off him too.

I sat myself down on the sofa and grabbed the tv remote of the side turning the tv on. Jeongin was still taking his shoes off by the door so I started to flip through some channels.

When I next turned my head, Jeongin was suddenly next to the sofa and his hand wrapped around my outstretched hand which was holding the remote. He pressed the red button turned the screen black and I looked at his hand over mine.

"Look at me."

My eyes flickered up to his when he grabbed the bottom of his t-shirt pulling it from his toned body. He knelt in between my legs as he held my arms to move my body length ways on the sofa, as my head rested against the arm of it. My arms were held above me and I felt the warm proximity of him.

His lips were quick to touch mine and my hands explored the skin of his soft warm back. I felt the muscles move as he pressed his lips against mine in a needier motion. My hands moved pushing through his hair and I could hear our heartbeats racing with each other.

"Can I continue?"

I nodded as i pulled him back to my lips not wanting him to move from me. It would be a long night.

✔︎ ︎𝗯𝘂𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗯𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗲𝘀 | Y.JIWhere stories live. Discover now