~ 𝘁𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆 𝗼𝗻𝗲 ~

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"She's drunk, she won't remember half of this by tomorrow." He stated when I felt a warm grip on my forearm sending electricity through me.

"I need to talk. Properly."

Jeongin didn't leave eye contact with me and I was unsure how to respond. He clearly wasn't ignoring me since this party. What could he possibly want to talk to me about? He already made his feelings completely clear that I was just a rebound to get over his cheating ex.

"I don't know..."

"Just come with me." He got frustrated now and started to drag me by the arm.

"Hey be careful, I can't go too fast." I'd already used up a lot of energy at this party and I was already feeling the strains of my anemia.

"Jeongin." I shouted at him to stop but he kept walking causing me to have to try keep up due to his tight grip on my arm.

Author's pov:

"Wait..." y/n called out to make Jeongin finally look back only to quickly take hold of her. Her eyes had fallen closed as her body started to fall backwards. Jeongin's tight grip on her arm though pulled her to his chest as he caught her.

"Are you okay?" He asked getting no response as he started to panic a little, had she had too much to drink? He was contemplating almost everything. Yet this isn't what he wanted to happen. He was trying to explain his past to her as he thought he had at least owed her that.

"Felix." Jeongin called to the male who was sitting on a sofa near the entrance. His blonde gelled back hair caught the younger's eye, it was the first time he had seen him with such a style.

Felix's face dropped at the site of Y/n in his arms and he narrowed his eyes at Jeongin.

"What have you done? Is she passed out from drink?"

"I don't know." Jeongin shouted a little panicked. "I don't think she had much to drink, we were just walking then she collapsed."

"You d*ckhead, don't you realise she has an energy disorder." Felix shouted at him as Jeongin put her down on the sofa next to him.

"An energy disorder?"

"Yeah she has anemia."

"Why did no one tell me this?"

(A/n: I hate how gifs are like 2x as fast now, is it just my phone? It's kind of making me laugh though hahaha)

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(A/n: I hate how gifs are like 2x as fast now, is it just my phone? It's kind of making me laugh though hahaha)

"We would have but, you were just using her so why would we have to tell you anything after that."

"Well, I'm going to fix it." He shouted almost getting attention from everyone else in the house.

With that Jeongin quickly picked Y/n up bridal style when Felix stood up taking a grip on her.

"You're not taking her anywhere, what would her brother say?"

"Exactly why I need to take her, if he ever found out I caused her to collapse... Tell him shes okay."

With that Jeongin pushed Felix's hand off harshly rushing out the exit as he held tightly to Y/n's body as if his life depended on it.

He placed her carefully in the backseat of his car as he put the seat belt over to hold her in place so she wouldn't fall while he was driving. What was he even doing right now?

He didn't want a relationship with anyone. Not after Mina cheated on him. Not after his mother cheated on his father. Yet he had felt worried when Y/n collapsed. He didn't want to be vulnerable so he wanted to seem harsh and flirtatious so he could not get too close to anybody. Since Mina cheated on him it made him close off his heart to any other person.

"Jeongin?" Her voice was strained and her body suddenly started shuffling in the back to try undo the seatbelt.

"Lay there for a bit longer, don't undo it."

She listened to him but her head was spinning, confused to how she ended up in the back of Jeongin's car.

Y/n's pov:

The last thing I remembered was Jeongin taking my arm making me go somewhere with him. Had I been kidnapped by him? I laughed to myself. It was probably my energy that had escaped me. I wonder how he had reacted after knowing he had done something wrong.

"Where are we going?" I was finally able to start making sentences again which helped me to work out more things.

"My place."

I almost choked.

"Your place, not the hospital or something?"

"Felix told me about your disorder... actually my sister used to have the same problem."

"Used to? She managed to get over it?"

"No... she died when I was in highschool."

"Jeongin oh my god, I'm so sorry."

He didn't say anything and from where I was laying I could see his hands grip tighter to the steering wheel.
"It wasn't even because of her anemia. She... took her own life."

"No..." I felt a tear rolling down my cheek just from listening to the pain within his voice. "That must have been so hard for you." I softly said. "You've done amazing considering, and with Mina too..."

"Screw Mina." He shouted clearly still pained by it. "I just wanted to protect myself from another heartbreak. My mother cheated on my father, which caused them to divorce. It's why my sister-" He stopped himself as I felt the car slowing down. "I've never told anybody this."

I could already tell from his voice that he had tears himself.

"Jeongin let's just stop the car for a bit, we can just let everything out mmm?"

"That sounds good." He wiped his eyes and pulled the car up on a lay-by further up the road. I quickly undid my seatbelt pulling myself to sit up.

"You really have been through a lot, I couldn't even begin to imagine." I placed my hand on his shoulder and he kept his hands on the steering wheel.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled but I quickly stopped him.

"Don't be sorry, you have extremely valid circumstances. If that means you want to continue ignoring me after this then so be it."

"No." He quickly called out taking me by surprise.

"I don't want to ignore you or be mean to you anymore. I don't want to keep pretending I'm something i'm not just to seem distant and cool, you don't deserve that. I played you. It wasn't fair."

"I like this Jeongin much better." I took my hand off his shoulder and sat back in my seat. "How long is it to your place?"

"Just five minutes. I think I'm ready to continue now." He stated as he started up the engine again moving the car through the darkness. I was glad that he confided in me.

✔︎ ︎𝗯𝘂𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗯𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗲𝘀 | Y.JIWhere stories live. Discover now