Chapter 1: I do (not) deserve you

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<inaccurate impression of split personality or voices in your head.>

<kuroko pov>

"Go get me coffee Tetsuya."

Thats weird....
Not even a please?

"Um...yknow a please isn't so hard right?"

I just stare at sei-kun with dissatisfaction in my eyes.

"And showing emotions isn't hard but, look at you."

He acts like he is so lovey dovey...

"...Your one to talk sei-kun...."

Sei-kun rolled his eyes and went back to his paperwork.

...why do your work here? Its your day off..I guess being a ceo is harder....huh?

"I'll go get your coffee..."
<Akashi pov >

....this weird.....
I know I'm not acting like myself...
I'll go get it check at a therapist? Is that the right person....?

I wonder why I'm so rude to Tetsuya....
A please wasn't hard to say so why didn't I say it...?

<Third person >

Kuroko came back with a coffee the way Akashi likes it since he is particular with the way its made.

".....oh you brought it."

Akashi said and started taking sips while signing paper and typing on the computer.

"....not even a thank you......"

Kuroko said in a soft and hushed voice.

Kuroko had left akashi's private work office. Tired of akashi acting weird....

<Akashi pov>

Ah I forgot to thank him.

Do I even need to thank him?


I mean a why thank him when it was such a simple task?

....what in the world?

I mean isn't it this something a lover normally does? Their is no reason to thank him.

Its not a duty they must do its out of consideration that he did it.

Yeah yeah whatever you say 🙄

.....what the hell was that?

"Ah Tetsuya thank you."

Ah he is gone...or he just doesn't want to reply to me...

See it's a given thing that doesn't need a thanks.

Then I'll order Tetsuya a vanilla milkshake ❤

Why? There's no need to?

Because he made me coffee though he didn't have to when I was so rude?

You don't have to. Honestly he should be glad that you even 'love' a ghost like him.

What the hell??? I should be lucky that such a kind ,and caring person agreed to my confession in the first place though I don't express love easily?

Why? He should be glad we even loved him in the first place.

What the hell?? What do you mean 'we'??

....No comment

So frustrating.
<third person pov >

Despite the weird voice akashi still ordered kuroko a milkshake.

Akashi got up so he'll hand deliver it to kuroko.

"Tetsuya, love where are you?"

Kuroko came down the stairs in a blue jacket and black ripped jeans and a white shirt and checkered vans

"Love where are you going?"

Akashi asked confused at why kuroko is dressed up.

"....I'm going with takao-kun..."

Kuroko calmly stateted though he really didn't want to with the way akashi was acting.

"Who said I allowed you to?"

"...why do I need your permission..? I never needed it before...?"

Kuroko was honestly just getting tired of this. This wasn't the akashi he was dating for two years. No this is someone else.

"What if I want you to be home with me? Why must you go and hang out with kazunari?"

"Woah woah sei-kun you and takao-kun aren't close enough for you to call him his given name."

Akashi rolled his eyes.

" Right now I don't care I asked you why must you go hang out with him?"

"Seriously? Is this jealously on a whole new level or am I a pet in your eyes that can't do anything without your permission ?"

"The latter. Your my precious pet that will do as I say."

"Um no....honestly sei-kun you sound a little toxic...I'm going with takao-kun and thats final. I am no expensive pet; I AM YOUR LOVER that has their own will."

As kuroko stated that as he walked down the stairs and left through the main entrance slamming the door obviously annoyed by akashi calling  him an expensive pet.

{A/n: So like what you going to do with the milkshake 😃."
(Akashi pov)

Ah he slammed it...but, what is with me today....I feel as if I don't have control over myself which makes me very UNCOMFORTABLE.

Well your in control now...just I'll take over time and time to insult your precious lover.

Why? Why must you insult him?

Yknow deep down through the two years you've dated him is that you don't deserve him...


Yknow he doesn't deserve you your on a whole different level than him.

Wait hold up did you change what you said?? comment ✌

Answer me!


Hello? Answer me!

.....peace out ✌ ill talk when Tetsuya is back<not like ill answer you but ill talk>


Wow its really gone...


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