Chapter 3: Advice

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<Midorima pov>

....takao has been distant lately..

Wonder if I did something to offend him...

I I being overbearing with me trying to express my feelings more properly? ...though I thought he would like me showing it more properly..?



Ah its from Akashi.

Angry cherry 🍒:

Can we meet up?
Its my day off..
Tetsuya left me alone.

Ah takao changed the contact name again..not like Akashi will know...🤷‍♀️

<third person pov >

Akashi waited in the Cafe for Midorima.

{A/n: this just going to be like takao and kuroko? Wow I'm so creative 😍 😩}

Midorima soon entered and sat in front of akashi.

"So ang- I mean Akashi  why did you text me?"

"....Honestly I think I need help..."

Midorima  was surprised. Akashi seijuro was asking for the world ending?

"... Sagittarius ranked 6th I'd assume something happened...though Aquarius ranked 8th..."

Midorima sounded a little worried.

"Ah...yeah...I feel as if I don't have control of my body when I'm near Tetsuya..."

"...If your horny please don't tell me and tell kuroko that.."

Midorima said pushing his glasses up looking away from akashi obviously a red tint on his face.

"NO...not like....THAT..its just I kept being rude to Tetsuya and I heard a voice in my head saying stuff like he doesn't deserve me...which is not what I think at all!!"

Akashi said obviously flustered but upset with his behavior towards kuroko.

"Ah...voices? I may be a doctor though that is not my specialty...I can recommend a psychologist though.."

Akashi nodded.

"Please do...if it keeps up it will likely  be a matter of time before Tetsuya gets tired of me and leaves me.."

Akashi said in a hushed and soft voice.

Midorima could only feel pity for akashi. There is no way for him to understand how he feels and he will not pretend like he does but, he will support his childhood friend. Even if he went through something similar its not the same...

"....Sorry if this sounds rude akashi but, if your saying your voice is insulting him then maybe he would want a break from you....I'm not saying it will happen but its a possibility..."

Midorima said those words to encourage akashi to at least try to stop the insults before they go to far. You never know how much a person can handle till they break.
Just a brief warning from a concerned friend.

"I know  that in my head ,but my heart won't accept being away from him!"

Akashi started drinking his drink that had arrived earlier though the two hadn't noticed till now.

"Oh hey... is that you akashicchi and Midorimaicchi?"

Kise had just walked in with three people  behind him.

"Eh you guys are here too?"

Aomine asked stepping in front of kise.

"Ah are you and kise on a date....without kagami?"

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