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{Third person}

After months of preparation they had there wedding on May 12 20xx.

Akashi stood the there anxiously waiting for kuroko the bride to come through the door with the a beautiful tux his mother choose.

What surprised akashi is that when his groom came out he had a wedding dress on ....? This shocked akashi causing him to blush and look away. Not being able to handle how adorable kuroko looks. Of course they only invited close friends and family's because I mean why invite more people than necessary? Never know when they might cut ties.

Kuroko smiled as his veil was lifted up before he faced akashi with a bouquet of white and red roses. Akashi could only smile at his >bride?groom?< lover. You can see takao recording with a thumbs up.

Soon the priest spoke up.>when you don't know how a wedding works make up things🦊<

"We are here to celebrate to union of these to lovers. Would the groom please answer I finished saying these words. Though before that is there anyone who one who objects?"


"No okay let's continue. Akashi in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, in the good and bad times, till life and death to you swear to spend the rest of your life with this man in front of you?"

"..I do.."

"Alright. Kuroko in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, in the good and bad times, till life and death to you swear to spend the rest of your life with this man in front of you?"

"I do."

"Then first slip in the rings."

Kise came up with a pillow with two gold rings with their first names written on it. Akashi took the one named Tetsuya and kuroko took the one that said seijuro.

Akashi slip on the ring and kiss it causing kuroko to blush. Kuroko slip the ring on akashi finger and kissed akashi's cheek.

"Alrighr then you may kiss the groom."

Akashi leaned in capturing kuroko's lips with his. Even if it was a short kiss it was still very sweet.


"Kya you two got married ah im so happy! Aomineicchi, kagamicchi when are we getting married???"

Kise looked at the two with enthusiasm.

"Um...some time soon so relax kise."

"Yeah first off we need to figure out how-"

"Yeah yeah...whatever."

Kise pouted but then smiled at kuroko.

"So then kurokoicchi is now akashicchi? Ah....then is it okay for me to call you tetsuyaicchi?"

Kuroko nodded.

"I don't mind."

Akashi only stared at kise with fury in his eyes.

"Ah but you look so pretty in that Tetsuya!!"

L"Thank you takao..oh um whoops I mean kazunari. "

"Haha yeah its not takao kazunari it's Midorima kazunari 😅"

"Mm never thought shintaro would get married first."

"Ha ha akashi. "-sacarstic

Himuro brought over a vanilla cake pop.

"For the bride. We made a bunch for this occasion right atsushi?"

Murasakibara nodded.

"Tetsu-chin like vanilla so I made a bunch of vanilla things for him."

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