Chapter 2 : Ranting

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< kuroko pov>

Weird....what's with the way sei-kun is acting today...

Maybe I can talk to takao about it..

<third person pov >

"Hey kuroko over here👋"

Takao said waving at a table at the back corner of the Cafe.

Kuroko steadily walked towards him taking the chair in front of him.

"The usual right? If not might have to order again 🙃 "

Kuroko chuckled

Of course takao would cheer kuroko up a bit .Takao is cheery most of the time when he isn't teasing Midorima.

" Sooo to address the elephant in the room whats with the sudden call?"

Finally asked as the waiter brought there drinks.

"Honesty I know your busy prepping for Midorima-kun birthday  celebration  ,but I need someone I can rant to..."

Takao stopped taking sips of his drink to look at kuroko straight in the eye.

"Weird...its normally me ranting since you never complain about Akashi....what happened?"

Kuroko let out a sigh as he took a sip of the milkshake.

"Honesty  I don't know...I feel like he's a different  person than before...,but I only started feeling that way now..."

Takao looked surprised..

"...Are you going through a drought? Like your not feeling loved enough or maybe feel like you lost feelings or he just to bland?"

Kuroko shook his head.

"No I still love him...maybe its that I don't feel loved choice...he started acting as if I'm a maid or the way he said a pet that he owns..."

Takao choked on his drink.

".....a pet.....I mean thats kinky ,but not in a good way huh?"

Kuroko couldn't help but, laugh at the statement.

"Nooooo its not a kinky thing he literally said why did I think I can go out without his permission 😤  like please I can't touch the freaking grass without your permission?"

Takao chuckled then said in a deep voice mimicking Akashi.

"No love why dirty your finger with the GRASS when you can kiss me."

The both started chuckling.

"Ah...thank you takao-kun I really needed to have a laugh.."

Takao just smiled.

"Its okay you always listen to me rant about shin-chan and his addiction to horoscopes getting worse."

Kuroko took more sips of his drink before saying.

"I wonder how I can talk to akashi about this...I honestly don't want our relationship to end...I mean I love him a lot...its just with the way he's treating me I feel like an unnecessary piece in his life.."

Takao just sighed.

" Okay look if you can't talk it over than maybe you guys need a break...I'm not suggesting you end it ,but maybe take a break from each other to sort out your feelings and the problems thats going on with you two."

Kuroko nodded.

"...I mean if his attitude gets any worse I might take the break suggestion...I honestly think it would be the best option if things get worse. "

Takao nodded in acknowledgement.

"...though....if you ever  need to get away from your always welcome to come to my place ✌"

Kuroko chuckled taking more sips of his drink.

{A/N: jeez what size did you order ? Or are you taking baby sips 😃}

"Wouldn't Midorima-kun be bothered by that?"

Takao took his straw and started stirring his drink.

"...Nah..I mean I have a second home I go to when me and shin-chan fight not often but I like the place so I pay for that ,and help pay the place me and shin-chan stay at."

Kuroko frowned at that.

He didn't like how Midorima and takao fight over small things but, sometimes its serious. Kuroko can't help but worry for takao.

"Don't worry me and shin-chan have been..actually really lovey dovey he's been really sweet even though he is a tsundere  which is really adorable ♡ Though I've been distant since I've been trying to keep the party secret but, he's still being sweet and caring to me ♡"

Takao said with love sick eyes.

Kuroko only smiled at his friends happiness.

"Yeah, though you fight I guess that means how close you guys are that your able to fight and get over it....I wonder whats with my relationship then...I thought fights were a horrible thing for relationship but, looking at yours...."

Takao sat straight up and furrowed his brows.

"Hey now everyone has different relationship and different ways of expressing love. Don't compare yours and my relationship because we have different people as lovers that show love in different ways. Same with us okay? I'm not you and your not me we have different ways of expressing love thats why we have different lovers got it?"

Kuroko nodded.

"Thanks takao...I knew I could talk to you about my issues."

Takao chuckled.

"No problem , don't worry about okay. I mean I feel like your personal therapist but I guess it goes both ways huh?".

Kuroko smiled then nodded.

"Were each others love therapist ...or maybe cupid...I don't know?"

The both shrug and pay for there drinks and start walking around town.

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