Chapter 6: Repair...failed

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<Akashi pov>

I'm losing him...

....Hey.....did I make the wrong decision 🤔


...Normally its me that doesn't respond...don't like to be on the receiving end.

...I'm losing my lover of almost three years..

Yeah....I know


Uh wow...your real mad 😅

Well no duh!

Then....why did you refuse his sexual request?

What are you talking about? That was you idiot.

...I know....I was trying to blame you 😒

Wow okay 😃

So um.. do we tell him to come back?

For you to ruin things again? No I'm getting rid of you.

Uh how?

...Therapy! That should work!

😃 why don't we just cooperate...I mean I learned my lesson and I want him back too! I'll be good so need to get rid of me..😇

Don't trust your words.

<meanwhile><third person pov>

Kuroko came down the stairs with his luggage. He decided that going to takao's place would be best. Takao would be able to comfort him.

Akashi just stood there.

"...not trying to stop me huh...? Guess he really did get bored of me..."

Kuroko silently walked out of the mansion and called takao.

<Back to akashi pov>

Alright! I'll just stop him and make him rethink of leaving me. As long as you behave I won't need to go to therapy right?

Yeah yeah I'll behave😒 I'll help you I guess.. I mean I love Tetsuya as well. I just thought we were being selfish keeping him caged. But I guess once a bird is accustomed to the cage life it won't survive on the wild again...I just let free a helpless bird in the wild where it can't survive.

Yeah but, he was never caged in the first place. Is what I've been told...

Mmmm I don't know bout that...but either you need him back or else your emotional,mental,and physical state are going to drop. <I mean your mentally already a wreck but, whatever 🤷 >

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