Chapter 4: Advice part two

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< third person pov>

"Be quiet...yes...Tetsuya and I was completely my fault as well..."

The others stopped talking.

" EH you guys fought? Where kurokoicchi ah poor kurokoicchi!"

Kise said in a panic knowing kuroko he always handle thing by himself without talking to other unless its takao (obvious favoritism)

"Hes with takao.. so he should be fine kise so sit down your attracting attention. "

Midorima said obviously embarrassed at kise overreaction.

"...So what happened with you and tetsu?"

Aomine asked serious this time. Kagami looked disappointed when akashi said they fought.

"...I feel as if I have another person in me..that had surfaced only now..trying to get Tetsuya away from me by insulting him and calling him a pet..."

Midorima sighed. He knew its okay to tell these guys but... they will always be on kuroko side if anything happens..murasakibara and him would probably be the only ones on his side.

"...why do you think it appeared? Your guys third anniversary is coming as well.. you guys got together after Midorima birthday since that's when we pushed your limits on teasing you of your crush.."

Aomine asked voice obviously with worry for his friends relationship even if its out of character..

" says Tetsuya doesn't deserve me though I think thats false since sometimes it says I don't deserve Tetsuya but,.. then lies and flips it.."

The others nodded when Midorima spoke.

"Subconsciously you think your not worth Tetsuya and think your keeping him trapped for your selfish reason being that you love him?"

Everyone was shocked at Midorima statement.

"I thought  you didn't major in psychology?"

Akashi asked surprised that Midorima explained how he feels easily.

"...So what...I maybe took it for sometime to see psychological signs if takao liked me back or not I know it sounds desperate ..just don't judge.."

Aomine held back his laughter.kagami couldn't though and burst out laughing embarrassing Midorima.

"Either way...yeah thats how I think feel..I mean Tetsuya is a great person who deserves someone better than me..I mean do you see how he smiles with kagami...?"

The others looked at each other. Kagami feeling a little awkward at what he said.

"..Um dude yknow kagami and kuroko see each other as siblings right?"

Aomine finally stated with the awkward air around them sort of clearing up.

"Yeah man I'm with aomine and kise. Kuroko is like a brother to me yknow like Tatsuya?"

"Oh....really? Still...he never smiles like that with me.."

The other just stared at him dumbfounded.

"Is he joking? Tetsu definitely has this puppy love eyes when he's with him."

"Is akashicchi really that insecure that kurokoicchi could be easily taken from him even though kurokoicchi is like a loyal puppy to him?"

"Yeah I mean kuroko cancels plans with me for him and he thinks kuroko doesn't like him more? Kuroko is a loyal puppy on front of him ."

"Um I think aka-chin is a little blind <_< maybe he needs glasses. Wasn't he the same way when he first told us he had a crush on tets-chan?"

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