So It Begins

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   "We made it," I said as Noivern landed. I realised my Lucario, even though he didn't like going in his pokeball there were times when he had to. This time he's too big so he couldn't ride Noivern with us.

Now what Master?

"Now we go find where we can stay to rest and see what's on the island. Let's go Lucario, Pikachu." They nodded and Pikachu climbed onto my shoulder and Lucario walked next to me. We walked into the Pokémon Center that is attached to the main arena and I was greeted by Nurse Joy.

"Hi there welcome to the Pokémon Center, how may I help you?" She spoke in a very enthusiastic tone. 

"Hi, I came to find somewhere to stay while the tournament takes place."

"If you come as a spectator then you would stay at the hotel which is south of here, but if you come as a participant you can show me your invitation and I'll show you to your room which is located here at the arena."

"Ok well I'm here to participate, here's my invitation." I showed her the letter and she asked me to follow her. She led me to an elevator and told me that I had room number 4. I stepped inside and there was only one button so I pressed it. The elevator started to lift at a very quick speed, and after a few seconds the wall in front of me turned clear and I could see everything. There were training grounds, food areas, a highly dense forest, a carnival , and of course inside the arena the main battle field. I reached to the top and headed to my room. I looked around my room. I set my things down and got out some of my stuff.

What's all this Master?

"These are the different hats I wore in different journeys across the different regions. Kanto, Sinnoh, Hoenn, Johto, Alola, and Kalos."

They must be very important to you. To have kept them all this time.

"See that's the thing Lucario, they don't. It's what they represent that makes me keep them. All my friends, they mean the world to me and these hats help remind me of the good times we had." I sighed, what would they think of me after all these years.

Master, why is it you have a stronger connection to the one from Kalos?

"That's a story for another day. Lets go train a bit before we go and eat." 

Time Skip
"Alright, let's call it a day." I said to my exhausted Pokémon.


I'll have to agree with Pikachu on this one Master, we trained too hard today.

"You guys chose to train with the others so don't blame me for your actions." They both sighed and tried to get up with no avail. I guess I did push them too hard. "Alright hop on."

Lucario looked at me with eagerness as he climbed on my back while Pikachu climbed onto my shoulder. "Lets go get something to eat shall we?"

After a while I found a place that was selling Alolan food so I decided to eat there. "Ok dig in."

Thanks Master. Not a second went by and they wolfed down their food. I didn't have much of an appetite so only ate half of my plate.


"I'm not that hungry thanks buddy, you guys can share the rest." I said handing them my plate.

Hey Master isn't that the little girl you helped? He pointed towards a group of people walking together. They're here? All of them.

Who are they?

"My friends." I feel emotion start to build up but I quickly shut it down. Not yet, I can't show them yet. Something tells me I'll know when the time is right.

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