Sometimes it's hard to Except the Truth

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Serena POV
   "Home sweet home. Am I right Pikachu, Lucario?" It had been a few days since Ash had asked me out. We haven't been on a proper date, but the time we've spent together. It's been great. Part of what we had, maybe could still be. I can feel it inside him

"Hey Ash, where to first."

"I'm going to see my Pokemon at Professor Oak's Lab!" Professor Oak… hmm. Professor Oak. Oh no.

"Ash, how about we see your mom first." I asked, trying to change the subject which worked.

"Oh yeah… guess I guess so… I wonder what she will think huh?"

After a minute of walking we reached Ash's house. It looked just as I remembered it.  "Go on, knock on the door."

"I don't know… what will she think?"

"Only one way to find out." I replied with a confident smile.

"Okay." He took a deep breath and knocked one single time.

"Please come in." The voice of Ash's mom came from inside the house. He opened the door and we walked inside. I saw Delia turn the corner and smile.

"Hey mom, how's it been?"

"I heard what happened dear. I'm sorry you didn't get your chance at being a Pokemon Master. As long as you don't give up right?"

"Yeah, of course. Mind if I go change?"

"You do that, and please make sure you wear your underwear correctly."

"Mom…" Ash said as he left with an embarrassed look on his face. I then turned to Delia who's expression had changed.

"Ms. Ketchum, may I have a moment?"

"I know dear. I know. But I don't want to worry him too much. I mean it feels nice not to see him as sad as before."

"That isn't it."

"What is it?" Her face got a bit more worried fearing the next words that were going to be spoken from my mouth.

"He never found out. Not even before he lost his memory. And I don't want to break his heart." Just the thought almost made me fall to my knees. But before I could I felt Delia give me a big hug, which I needed.

"Don't worry, if anyone will tell him, it will be me. It's my responsibility as his mother."

"But it's also mine as his girl…" I cut myself off from getting too far ahead of myself.

"So, you're my little boy's girlfriend?"

"Huh?, Oh no. Well, it's hard to explain. Before all of this, I tried to get him to notice, then I hurt him, which I regret more and more every day. Next he left, and I wished him to be back to show him how I felt. When I did see him again, I found out that he felt the same, it was perfect." I stopped talking as I could fear the tears well up even more in my eyes. In return Delia hugged me tighter.

"He asked you to be with him forever, and now he doesn't know the promise he made, does he?"


"It's ok… it's ok." I felt her hand slowly rub on my back. A mother's embrace even if it wasn't my own felt so comforting.

"I think it's time we let him know, he wants to go see his Pokemon as soon as possible."

"Yes, it is. Can you come down Ash!?"

"One sec, I'm getting dressed." We walked over towards the kitchen and sat down at the dinner table. A few minutes later, Ash came down and sat next to me.

"So what's for dinner?" He asked as his stomach grumbled in agreement.

"Ash, we wanted to talk to you about Professor Oak." I talked choosing my words carefully.

"Oh yeah, I can't wait to see him."

"Ash…" Delia looked him in the eyes and he looked back. Then she told him and my heart broke to see that look in his eyes again, the look of losing someone you love. "He… he passed away."

   I felt it again, a sharp pain stab my heart. Losing another person I cared about. But why did it have to be him? I regained my senses and realized I had fallen off of my chair.

"When did this happen?

"A few years ago…" I turned and looked at Serena and I felt a small anger rise inside of me.

"You also knew… and you didn't tell me." I ran towards the door and grabbed my jacked that was hanging in the coat rack and ran towards the cemetery. I ran and ran for what seemed hours. My body felt heavier with every step I took. He couldn't be gone. He was so healthy, so full of joy. Someone like him couldn't be gone.

"I'm" I said while panting. I looked ahead and there it was. I walked towards the middle of the cemetery and there's a large stone podium that read the words.

Here Lies
Samuel Oak
Grandfather,Mentor, Friend To All
May Your Teachings Help Us
Make This Word A Better Place

Just above was a picture of him. I fell to my knees as I felt a few memories come back. They were of my time training, to try and become the strongest I could be. Then an even bigger shock had hit me. I closed my eyes and realized, I didn't know he had passed, even before this happened. I hadn't spoken to him at all over the years. And now I would never be able to say how much he had inspired me to become a Pokemon Master. How much I considered him my Friend. I felt a hand interlock with my left hand so I turned to see who it was. Serena had come and held my hand and knelt next to me.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you Ash…" I didn't have the strength to be angry. I didn't have the strength to be happy. Heck I didn't have the strength to look up. I was lost in my sorrow once again.

"I know this isn't what you expected when you came back, but your mom gave me this." She placed a small puck in front of me, before getting up and walking away. The puck had a small light that turned on and off. I stared at it before I decided to touch it. A small hologram popped up revealing a picture of Professor Oak.

"Professor, it's on." The image started to move, and I realized it was recording.

"Ok, good. Ash my boy, if you are seeing this well, I guess my time here in this world has finally come to a close. I hope you know that no matter how much other people tell me to think otherwise, I will never lose faith that you are out there. For whatever reason it may be, I know your intentions are the right place, just like your heart always was. I hope you remember these words my boy. Being a Pokemon Master is more than just a big title or trophy. Well it seems that's all the time I have left Ash Ketchum, I wish you the best of luck. And one last thing. Thank You." It hurt so much. He was talking to me, but no matter how hard I cried, how loud I spoke, he would never hear my words. But I had to except it, he was gone. But that didn't stop the pain. If he was still around, I would thank him for everything. I stood up and reached and touched his picture one last time.

"Thank You Professor Oak, for showing me the right way to start the adventure of a lifetime."

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