A Warning

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   "Ash... Ash..." I turned a little bit trying to get a bit more sleep.

"Ash..." I opened my eyes to see I was standing up and in a white room.

"Hello Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town." Before me the silhouette of a person appeared.

"Who are you and what do you want?" I questioned almost immediately.

"My name is of no importance, However I do ask something of you." Two white flames appeared on his face that resembled his eyes.

"Don't be the hero. For you sake, and for the sake of everyone you care about."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You're an Aura Guardian Ash. You will discover in time how to use your abilities, but the path you are walking will force you to push your abilities to high extremes. Because of that I only give this warning. The consequences are unknown and I cannot guarantee your safety."

"So you're saying I can't use my powers?"

"I'm saying that we don't know what will happen if you push too far."


"You are not the only Aura Guardian left. However you are the strongest of all of us."

"So where are the others?"

"Wherever they need to be."

"I really hope you know that none of this makes sense."

"Yet I sense you also know exactly what I mean. We both know that you will be facing Lysandre once more, and we both also know you will go as far as need be to keep your friends safe." I stood there stunned. Someone that I had never met or couldn't even see properly, knew what I would do. All in the name of the people who I love.

"I must go now, I cannot ask you to do any direct action from my words, all I can do is guide you. So heed my warning. Don't push farther than you need to." A sudden flash blinded and when I opened my eyes I was back standing in the middle of my room. Who was that and what could cause me to try and push so much? Lysandre. I guess that makes somewhat of sense. He's going to reach the finals too? I guess only time will tell.

"You ok?" I turned around to see Serena slowly waking up and rubbing her eyes open.

"Yea I'm fine." I smiled and walked towards her sitting down next to her.

"Are you ready for your battle today?"

"No, but then again I feel like this battle will be different than we all think."

"Who will face off against?"

"I'm going up against Bonnie."

"Bonnie? Our Bonnie? Wait... the others. We have to tell them you're here." She almost yelled out.

"Not yet. There's a time and a place for everything. Just have a little patience."

"Oh.. I understand. Can we at least stay in bed a little longer?"

"Heh, sorry but I have to go train. Bonnie's grown strong but I want to see how strong."

"She takes after you, you know?"

"What does that mean?"

"She started training like you after she found out you passed away. She told herself that she would become the world's first Pokemon Master to complete your dream. It's probably weird to have someone that looks up to you like that." I couldn't help but remember what happened a month ago.

"Not really, my little brother looks at me that way."

"Wait, you have a brother?" She asked, somewhat shocked.

"Well sort of. He's not a brother by blood, but more by just family because that's who we are. " I chucked and just decided to give her a little back story. "Back when I was in Alola, I met many people who I now consider family including 2 very special people. Professors Kukui and Burnet. They allowed me to stay in their home and gave me their love. Once I was champion I was able to move out and we kept in touch. Everyday I would go and say and at least say hello in person. And then a month ago, they had a son. When I walked in Professor Brunette asked me to say hello to Lei, my little brother."

"That's amazing..." she paused for a moment nervous on continuing her sentence. "Do you think we could ever have a family like that?"

"One day... one day." I gave her a quick peck on the cheek before getting up and heading towards the door. "I better get ready then. You better see the others before they get worried."

Alright Bonnie. Time to see how you've grown.

Time Skip

"Would all four semi finalists please make their way to the stadium please, there has been a change in battle style."

"Huh? Guess we better go. Ready team?" I looked around at my friends. All my pokemon have been training hard for this day.

   The remaining semifinalists made their ways towards the stadium. The last trainers were Theo, Bonnie, Ash, and Lysandre. All four trainers stepped into the field at the same time and the crowd erupted into cheers all chanting for their favorite competitor.

"Welcome one welcome all to the semifinals for the WORLD'S FIRST EVER POKEMON MASTER CHAMPIONSHIP." Once more the crowd cheered all anticipating who the finalists were going to be and what battle of style was about to be used.

"As we all know Alola is one of the newest regions added to our family so in honor of Alola the battle style being used for the semi battle match will be... BATTLE ROYALE." A trap door in the middle of the arena opened revealing a decently sized fighting ring and platforms for the respective trainers to stand on.

"The rules are as applied: Each Trainer is only allowed the use of two Pokemon. Once both Pokemon are unable to battle, the trainer will be eliminated. Here's the twist, there are no teams. This will be a free for all, so fight with strategy. Will our remaining competitors please make their way towards a platform."
Theo made his way towards the blue platform, Bonnie went to the yellow platform, Ash went to the red platform, and Lysandre made his way to the black platform.

"Let's go" Theo called out as he sent out his first Pokemon which was an Exploud.

"Us too" Bonnie followed suit as she called out her Luxray.

"Let's go buddy." Pikachu jumped off Ash's shoulders and landed in the ring.

"Let's go Pyroar." Lysandre called out in an almost lifeless voice.

All trainers looked patiently at their opponents studying them to see if they could find a weakness right off the start.

"DING" The starting bell rang, and each trainer let out their first command.

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